6th House in Astrology...
A person's relationship with the physical world
is shown by the sixth house. |
In the sequence of the zodiac, the sixth house is where the creativity of the fifth house is perfected and put into practical application. On the broadest scale, all of the skills developed in houses one through five are honed and put to use in the sixth house. The sixth house is where we acknowledge that life requires adult responsibility and constant maintenance. The human body requires maintenance. Homes require upkeep, bills need to be paid and work needs to be done. What's more, people with strong sixth houses in their natal charts are concerned with doing these things correctly. The overwhelming message of the sixth house is that if you are going to do something, do it right! Think of Steve Jobs, Kurt Cobain and Michael Jackson who have sixth-house suns. Obsessions with work and perfecting a skill are shown by sixth house placements, as well as issues with food, health and how we allow the world and our minds to affect our physical health - all manifesting into some interesting behaviors according to sign and planet. As far as being a relationship house, the sixth house is where we care for others in a practical way, and represents our attitude about how others should care for us in return.
Planets in the 6th House...Sun in the 6th House...A sixth-house sun can be a blessing or a curse. With the sun located here, the chart holder's driving need in life is to shine by living life well, primarily, by remaining healthy and mastering a skill. This creates a person who is skilled at their work and at navigating the practical challenges of day-to-day living. However, this also creates a dilemma which can generate a great deal of stress. These people can be haunted by the question of how "well" is "well enough"? To make matters worse, the sixth house is vague because it doesn't focus on a particular part of life. Rather it is about the chart holder's manner of living life. Therefore, in the sixth house, the sun's drive to shine and be its best can feel overwhelming because its rays are cast over almost every task. Everything the chart holder does in daily life is subject to this need to do things correctly or even perfectly. A sixth-house sun is capable of great achievement. These people can do things so well that they can actually reach new levels. By perfecting an existing skill, they can turn it into a whole new product. But they can also put so much effort into this that they burn out mentally and physically. By remembering that the key to the sixth house is "caring in service to others", sixth-house sun people can refocus their drive to shine here into caring for others and allowing people to care for them. This isn't easy because the sun wants to take charge and shine to satisfy itself, but it can be done.
Moon in the 6th House...With the moon in the sixth house, the focus is on caring rather than perfecting. The sixth-house moon chart holder doesn't lose the desire to live well and perfect their skills, but this need is subdued by the need to care for others and be cared for by others in practical ways.
Those with sixth-house moons assume that their loved ones will always provide them with food, money and shelter. Likewise, they are happy to do laundry, clean and cook. As long as the balance is there, these chart holders hum along happily, but if this balance is thrown off by a life event, it can leave these chart holders astonished and is likely to affect their physical health. They simply assume that the practical parts of daily living should be taken seriously by everyone with each person doing their part well, not allowing room for tragic errors which bring down the whole system. Sixth-house moon people are particular about their daily routines, often sticking to schedules which give them comfort. They have certain times for work, for eating and for exercise. They also have certain ways each of these things should be done. Food is central in the lives of sixth-house moon people. They are generally picky eaters and will not budge on their preferences. Mental balance and a peaceful, happy state of mind are very important for maintaining the physical health of people with their moon in the sixth house. Sixth-house moon people have a sensitive mind-body connection. If their mental state is unbalanced or they are unhappy, it will affect their physical health.
Mercury in the 6th House...
At home in its own house, Mercury fuels the sixth house with energy and focus. This is an excellent placement because Mercury helps clear the fog. Mercury is clear and concise. It helps the chart holder release their sixth-house needs to perfect and care by using clear communication and defined goals. It energizes the chart holder to move through tasks with defined beginnings and endings, rather than floating around with the vague need to perfect. It gives the chart holder an ability to communicate so that they can accurately ask for the care they need and understand the care that others need from them. Detail-oriented Mercury helps the chart holder properly sort through complicated tasks and dissect jobs into workable parts.
Venus in the 6th House...A wonderful planet placement for a joyful life is found when Venus is in the sixth house. A sixth-house Venus can find joy in the routine tasks of maintaining the body, keeping up with chores and doing work carefully. To actually find these things as a beautiful part of life is quite a gift. The sixth-house Venus chart holder is patient with work and times chores for maximum ancillary enjoyment as well as intrinsic enjoyment. If cleaning the house is more enjoyable on Thursday than Sunday, the sixth-house Venus will make sure to schedule things this way. If paying bills is more enjoyable using a computer program rather than pen and paper, the sixth-house Venus will use the computer. Venus is a pro at maximizing pleasure and in the sixth house of work, this is a real plus. Also as the planet of attraction, Venus in the sixth house can create beauty here. Work which involves creating beautiful objects is common with this placement as well as work involving making the chart holder attractive in order to earn a living in such things as modeling, acting or singing. The issue of caring is seen as a reciprocal relationship between people who understand that in the balance of human relationships, care is necessary and is received and given graciously.
Mars in the 6th House...When the will is exerted in the sixth house, amazing things can be accomplished! Mars in the sixth house is determined to do things well. And if it can't do things well on its own, it will find someone else to do it. But it will get done. Mars' usual bossy attitude shown here often translates into getting other people to do work and serve. Mars always feels that it should be served. In the sixth house this is accentuated. However, by creating a team of people who are willing to serve, a great deal can be accomplished. Mars also has high standards. So, in the sixth house, it pushes people to do their best work possible. Although Mars in the sixth house doesn't create the most giving chart holder as far as caring for others, it can achieve a lot. There is often an aggressive attitude towards maintaining health with a sixth-house Mars. A rigorous physical fitness routine may satisfy Mars' need to release aggression and be in charge of its own health.
Jupiter in the 6th House...
A placement which gives ample opportunity for success, Jupiter in the sixth house can conquer any task. Jupiter's expansive nature isn't easily quelled. In the sixth house, Jupiter takes on big jobs as challenges and doesn't get overwhelmed. However, the sixth-house Jupiter must be careful not to procrastinate. Jupiter's easy going attitude can make the chart holder feel that there is always more time available in which to complete work, and big projects are often left undone until the last minute. But even when Jupiter falls into this trap, it manages to pull itself out with ease. Lucky Jupiter is always willing to help and serve others when it is found in the sixth house, but more often, a sixth-house Jupiter finds itself in the enviable position of being served! Any health or fitness routine is likely to be taken to extremes. If a particular diet is chosen, it will be followed exactly. However, Jupiter also burns out, so it is often beneficial to tame its enthusiasm so it is stronger in the long-term.
Saturn in the 6th House...
The already serious sixth house can find Saturn to be a heavy burden. Saturn isn't a horrible match for the sixth house. It actually fits in quite well here. But in the house of work and service, the planet of rules and restriction can make things seem more difficult than they need to be. Work and service to others can be seen as traps that make the chart holder feel like a slave to the world when Saturn is in the sixth house. The daily chores of living can seem like intense drudgery that keep the chart holder from enjoying life. It seems that the chart holder is always serving others but never being served in return. In the best scenario, a sixth-house Saturn creates a chart holder who is responsible about work and serious about doing things well. They serve others willingly and expect nothing in return. At best, the sixth-house Saturn is responsible about diet and exercise. However, sixth-house Saturn chart holders should be careful not to let an overly serious attitude affect their physical health by allowing stress to eat away at their physical health.
Uranus in the 6th House...Uranus is not comfortable in the sixth house. It constantly yearns to break free from what it sees as the petty concerns of this house. When trapped here, Uranus will find ways to make it easier by inventing new work techniques which make things more efficient here or simply detach and ignore the issues of work and service. This ultimately backfires because the matters of any house can be completely ignored. When this happens, Uranus can explode into a tyrant insisting that others do the work that Uranus should have done a long time ago. At its best, a sixth-house Uranus doesn't expect to be served anymore than it is willing to serve others. It would rather remain as separate as possible and find ways of navigating the daily routines of work life that allow the most freedom for everyone. It is often very successful at this by coming up with novel approaches to efficiency and work. But when it feels trapped here, it can become reactive and aggressive leading to stress related illnesses if no outlet is allowed for release.
Neptune in the 6th House...In the sixth house, Neptune will always be the one serving and will never be the one served. As the planet of compassion and sacrifice, Neptune can't stop itself from serving others when it is located in the sixth house. Due to the same unexplainable, mystical force that allows Jupiter to receive service in the sixth house, Neptune always has to give service. This is the "fate" of astrology. Neptune in the sixth house can be a position of suffering if this fate is not interpreted by the chart holder in its best light. If the service given is seen as compassionate and loving, Neptune can experience joy in the sixth house. If it is seen by the chart holder as a lifetime of unwilling slavery to others, it causes pain. Neptune is the most sensitive of the planets and feels things so deeply that much of it is unconscious. In the sixth house, these feelings affect the physical body on an unconscious level. Neptune's boundaries are always blurred, and so with Neptune in the sixth house, the boundaries between the emotional and physical are blurred. Any stress from service, work and relating to the world is immediately felt physically by the chart holder with the sixth-house Neptune. These chart holders need to keep perspectives clear and remain unclouded by the stress of the physical world in order to assure their own physical health.
Pluto in the 6th House...Pluto never willingly serves others. When forced to do so in the sixth house, Pluto can harbor a great deal of animosity about it. Power games or struggles relating to work and service are sure to ensue when Pluto is in the sixth house. If these issues go unresolved, as they often do with Pluto, the physical health of the chart holder is affected. Like Neptune, Pluto is an emotional planet and much of the emotion is unconscious. When this planet is put in the sixth house of work, service and health, any unconscious power struggles over service and work will have physical manifestations. The chart holder with a sixth house Pluto is wise to express their feelings here rather than keeping them trapped and allowing them to fester. This will keep the chart holder physically healthy. At best, Pluto in the sixth house has intense focus in work and is able to put one hundred percent of its energy into perfecting the physical world by working hard and keeping this focus. Pluto can achieve a great deal in the sixth house with these skills, as long as it doesn't allow itself to get dragged down with power struggles with other people.
1st House
in astrology 9th House
in astrology 10th House
in astrology 11th House
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in astrology |
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