Relationship Signs...
The relationship signs' perspective allows them to see the world through other people.
A "Through You" perspective. |
Leo, Virgo, Libra & Scorpio
The second four signs: Leo, Virgo Libra and Scorpio are the relationships signs. These signs are the most focused on relationships and are the best at seeing things from another peron's point of view. They care a great deal about how people see them and feel about them. They tend to get wrapped up in "people" drama, but they are also the most likely signs to do kind things for people just to make the other person happy. Because they put so much weight on relationships and the way people see each other, they can seem hyper-aware in human interactions. Relationships may be over analyzed or experienced intensely. At times it can seem that everything in their life centers around their relationships. Unconsciously, these signs better experience themselves through relationships than alone. They prefer to relate to their world through other people rather than directly, and they put the importance of the people in their lives over any greater philosophical ideals.
The relationship signs value interactions with people over direct interactions
with their environment or a focus on abstract ideas.
with their environment or a focus on abstract ideas.
Relationship Signs at their Best & Worst...At Their Best, relationship signs are always concerned about their friend or mate's feelings, needs and thoughts. They are the signs who do nice things for people just for the sake of making the person happy.
At Their Worst, they have extremely high expectations of other people. They expect people to put them first and are critical of people who don't. Leo...Self-Expression Through RelationshipsLeos try to see themselves through other people and anticipate how others will react to them. They want to feel appreciated by other people, but most importantly, by one, other special person. Having an impact and making a difference to other people makes them feel alive. Like Aries, they are blunt, honest and up front, but they weigh their point of view, feelings and thoughts through their relationships with others and the reactions of other people rather than dealing directly with their environment. They filter themselves through other people. If the reaction from others is bad, they hone their behavior accordingly in order to appear attractive to others. Abstract ideals are interesting to them, but not their primary concern. Their audience, which is other people, is their concern. Ideals are nice, but directly interacting with people more easily gets them noticed and appreciated by others.
Virgo...Physical Experience Through RelationshipsVirgo wants to experience the tangible world through relationships. This makes them both helpful and critical. More important than their own need to organize and perfect their world, they focus on how other people are interacting with the physical world. They talk about how much money other people earn and have. Monetary interactions with other people are a focus in their lives. This can involve purchases or joint ventures, including how money is made and spent in marriages. Sex is important to Virgo as this is the best and most direct way of enjoying the physical world with another person. Being the earth based, relationship sign, they are very physical about sex and have a tendency to miss subtleties of emotion between people because they focus on the physical act. They are reliable when it comes to helping others with responsibilities and not likely to let people down, but their expectations of others is equally high. When people let them down in matters of daily chores, work or general earthly responsibilities, they feel betrayed and will be clear in expressing this to the other person.
Libra...Thinking Through RelationshipsAs an air sign, Libra lives in a world of thoughts and ideas, and as a relationship sign, these thoughts and ideas are focused on their interactions with other people. Relationships, experienced on an intellectual plane, are Libra's focus. They are primarily concerned with the "shoulds" of relationships, how other people should be treated and how they should be treated in return. They think their way through relationships more than feeling their way, and they can become obsessed with this thinking. Although it's wonderful that they put so much thought and consideration into their dealings with other people, honest feelings and thoughts from their heart are appreciated more than well thought-out politeness for its own sake.
Scorpio...Feeling Through RelationshipsEmotions are satisfied through relationships for Scorpios, making them one the most interesting signs in astrology. Scorpios seek emotional fulfillment through other people, which is tricky. Relying on other people for emotional satisfaction can run the spectrum from extremely satisfying and joyful, to extremely frustrating or even depressing. Other people don't always measure up to Scorpio's expectations. Because Scorpios base much of their emotional happiness and peace on the willingness of other people to please them, they can be controlling in trying to get people to behave in ways that satisfies them. Like every sign, they want their relationships to work.
The Personal Houses
The first four houses relate to our ego and vision of ourselves in our immediate environment (Click to read article) The Relationship Houses
Relating to others is the focus of the relationship houses (Click to read article) The Universal Houses
There is an impersonal quality to the universal houses. A global point of view is sought (Click to read article) |