Masculine & Feminine Signs...
The Signs in Order of:
The Feminine Signs -
The Masculine Signs -
Are you more Astrologically Feminine or Masculine?
Take a look at the signs that make up your entire astrological chart. Look at all of your planets' signs to get an overall view of how many are in masculine versus feminine signs. You may use the test below to determine if you are mostly masculine or feminine in your overall astrological composition. Take the time to complete the test. Many people are surprised to find they are actually more masculine or feminine than they thought. Most often, we identify with only our sun sign to get a sense of whether we are more masculine or feminine. This can be deceiving. Sometimes the sun sign is overwhelmed by the other signs in your chart. A masculine sun sign, for example, can be overwhelmed by a moon and other planets in feminine signs, or vice versa.
masculine_versus_feminine_test.pdf |
What was your Score?
118 – 97: Very Masculine...
102 – 83 without rising sign
Always pushing forward, you prefer to focus on what’s coming next and tend to move through things using very little caution or consideration. You are often either unaware of your emotions and feelings or you choose not to address them. You have a direct and factual style of communication and expect people to be direct with you. You are often completely unaware of the affect you have on people.
Always pushing forward, you prefer to focus on what’s coming next and tend to move through things using very little caution or consideration. You are often either unaware of your emotions and feelings or you choose not to address them. You have a direct and factual style of communication and expect people to be direct with you. You are often completely unaware of the affect you have on people.
96 – 75: More Masculine...
82 – 64 without rising sign
Keeping things moving is more important than being careful. You try to consider how you affect people. However, you don’t always understand the depth of emotions some people have and how you affect people because you prefer not to get deeply involved with feelings. At times you are unaware of how the things you say affect people because your communication is more factual than based on feelings.
Keeping things moving is more important than being careful. You try to consider how you affect people. However, you don’t always understand the depth of emotions some people have and how you affect people because you prefer not to get deeply involved with feelings. At times you are unaware of how the things you say affect people because your communication is more factual than based on feelings.
74 – 53: More Feminine...
63 – 45 without rising sign
You take time to feel and savor things as you move through life. It’s more important to experience the moment than it is to push forward. You use caution in making decisions because you are aware of the dangers in life. You understand your feelings and the affect you have on other people, making you careful in communicating with people. Feelings are more important than facts.
You take time to feel and savor things as you move through life. It’s more important to experience the moment than it is to push forward. You use caution in making decisions because you are aware of the dangers in life. You understand your feelings and the affect you have on other people, making you careful in communicating with people. Feelings are more important than facts.
52 – 30: Very Feminine...
44 – 25 without rising sign
You feel things deeply and take in everything you encounter, experiencing things thoroughly. You are cautious in moving through life, always vigilant to every possible danger. Your sensitive nature gives you insight into the feelings of others, making you very careful in communicating with people. As people often affect you deeply, you are also acutely aware of the affect you have on other people.
You feel things deeply and take in everything you encounter, experiencing things thoroughly. You are cautious in moving through life, always vigilant to every possible danger. Your sensitive nature gives you insight into the feelings of others, making you very careful in communicating with people. As people often affect you deeply, you are also acutely aware of the affect you have on other people.
Continuum from Most Feminine to Most Masculine...There is a continuum in astrology between the masculine and feminine signs with Pisces being most feminine and Aries being most masculine. Depending on your particular signs, when you consider all of your major planets: Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn along with your rising sign, you can be anywhere from more masculine to very masculine or more feminine to very feminine.
Feminine Versus Masculine Signs: How are They Different?Essentially, the differentiation between feminine and masculine signs is between how they direct and focus energy. Feminine signs have a passive, inward, absorbing, pulling orientation, while masculine signs have an active, outward and emanating, pushing orientation.
Feminine signs process energy from their surroundings by taking it in and experiencing it inside themselves either emotionally, as is the case for the water signs, or sensually for the earth signs. They let it simmer until they assimilate into themselves, which is how they come to understand it. It's an unconscious processing that occurs on a primal, feeling level. It cannot necessarily be translated into words. Masculine signs reflect energy from their surroundings. They unconsciously shield themselves from incoming energy. Rather than absorbing energy, they push it off in the form of intellectual responses for the air signs, or intuitive responses for the fire signs. This is unconscious and instant. Rather than absorbing and feeling, masculine signs translate the energy into words or action. They resist the energy and put up unconscious barriers to block it. |
This dynamic gives feminine signs the appearance of calmer, slower demeanor and the masculine signs the appearance of a more agitated, quicker-paced demeanor. When energy comes to a feminine sign it is absorbed and processed slowly and thoroughly through feelings or the senses. In contrast, when energy comes to a masculine sign it bounces off them in the form of an immediate reaction based on intellect or intuitive action.
What it Means to be Astrologically Masculine...
A light and fast moving energy is found with the masculine signs. The world of the masculine person is cut and dry. It is a world of right and wrong, black and white. Situations are assessed quickly and things are clearly defined and discussed openly.
Communication is blunt and factual. Emotions are seen as a nuisance and they are quickly discarded. However, as a consequence, emotions are not always understood. There is an active, forward moving energy in these people. Because masculine signs push away rather than absorb energy, they lack sensitivity to the words and actions of other people. Most things bounce off them. However, this lack of sensitivity also makes them insensitive to how their words and actions affect other people, especially more feminine people who do absorb energy. So, very masculine people are often seen as insensitive and harsh.
Masculine signs have an "I'll come to you" attitude. In romance, a masculine person does the approaching.
Masculine signs have an "I'll come to you" attitude. In romance, a masculine person does the approaching.
What it Means to be Astrologically Feminine...
A cautious and careful nature creates a serious tone for those who are heavily feminine in their astrological makeup. Their actions are always directed toward self-protection. They take the things people say seriously and they are serious about their decisions. They move slowly in taking action and making decisions due to their cautious nature. Their usual expectation for things to go wrong gives them a tendency toward negative thinking.
People who are very strongly feminine live in the gray world of the in-between, unspoken communication and the art of reading between the lines. These people understand, and for the most part enjoy, nuance because it is safe. Direct confrontations that put everything out in the open and immediately on the line are dangerous. By slowly moving into confrontations with body language or subtle verbal communication, there is more time available to gather and consider information. There is more time to accurately formulate a plan for success and victory. There is less danger of making a hasty mistake that results in losses.
This same dynamic is played out in the world of romance. Feminine signs have a "you come to me" attitude. In romance, a feminine sign person waits to be approached.
People who are very strongly feminine live in the gray world of the in-between, unspoken communication and the art of reading between the lines. These people understand, and for the most part enjoy, nuance because it is safe. Direct confrontations that put everything out in the open and immediately on the line are dangerous. By slowly moving into confrontations with body language or subtle verbal communication, there is more time available to gather and consider information. There is more time to accurately formulate a plan for success and victory. There is less danger of making a hasty mistake that results in losses.
This same dynamic is played out in the world of romance. Feminine signs have a "you come to me" attitude. In romance, a feminine sign person waits to be approached.
Masculine & Feminine Signs in Everyday Life...
Defensive Versus Offensive...
As we move through life trying to satisfy our needs and accomplish our goals, we use strategies. Feminine signs use more defensive strategies, while masculine signs use more offensive strategies. Because a feminine sign person absorbs energy, they are naturally more careful about what energy they encounter than a masculine sign who pushes away energy. Feminine signs' passive, absorbing nature needs a defensive approach to guard against harmful energy. This makes feminine sign people guarded and cautious in their dealings with the world. The outward, pushing nature of the masculine signs translates into an offensive strategy. Rather than absorbing it like the feminine signs, they push it away which is an offensive strategy. This makes masculine sign people direct and quick to act.
Calculating Versus Reactive...
Feminine people take their time in reacting to people or situations. They process feelings slowly and thoroughly. Masculine people prefer to react quickly to people or situations and move forward. Feminine signs are keenly aware of the advantages to slow, well-thought out reactions. Masculine people don't like feeling negative or being stuck in a problem situation. By relying on their intellect or just trusting their intuition, which is instant, they deal with things without processing them very deeply. They prefer to react quickly in order to simply get through the problem and move on to more positive things.
Receivers Versus Takers...
The more feminine a person is the more they prefer to receive than to take. More importantly, this is how they prefer to be perceived by others. To them, going out and taking what you want from the world is rude, crude and selfish.
Feminine signs put themselves in positions that allow them to receive what they need and want without having to appear brutish or pushy. They use attractiveness, politeness, gentleness and carefully chosen words as tools in getting the world to come to them and give to them, whatever they need or want.The more masculine a person is the more they prefer to take than to receive. Masculine people do not have the patience to wait for things to come to them. Their energy is always forward moving and their is a need to have an affect. They push through the world by going out and taking whatever they want or need. Although they can appear rude, crude and selfish, especially to the feminine signs, they are not as concerned with social protocol and appearances as the feminine signs.
Negative Versus Positive...
It seems so easy for the masculine signs to skip happily through life without being concerned about whatever threat is around the next corner. This ability to be so apparently fearless and carefree comes from an unconscious ability to resist energy from the environment. They aren't afraid of what's coming because they are unconsciously aware of the fact they it isn't likely to affect them deeply. Conversely, feminine signs absorb energy from their environment. Therefore, they are unconsciously driven to be extremely careful about what energy they encounter because they know they will have to assimilate it. It will become a part of them. This is a heavy burden and gives them a negative perspective. It makes them forever wary, cautious and careful while their masculine astrological counterparts have a positive perspective based on their perpetual obliviousness to threats and unconscious knowledge that energy will not become a part of them.
Emotionally Heavy Versus Emotionally Light...
We all feel emotions, but how we process them differs between the more feminine or masculine signs. Feminine signs process emotions internally. They allow their own emotions to simmer within themselves until they have worked through them and then they finally dissipate into their psyche. Masculine signs process emotions externally by repelling them as soon as they are detected. They translate the emotions into words or actions, which are immediately expressed and serve to dissipate the emotion out into the world rather than into their psyche. Because the feminine signs process emotions internally, and in the end never dispel them in the world like the masculine signs, they are weighed down with them. They absorb and assimilate emotion into themselves giving them a heavier and deeper nature. The masculine signs reflect and expel energy, and are therefore emotionally lighter because they don't take it in and make it a part of themselves.
Are Masculine Signs more Outgoing than Feminine Signs?Neither masculine or feminine signs are more outgoing. It seems as though the masculine signs would be more outgoing, but a heavily feminine sign person can be extremely animated, lively and talkative in social settings. Whereas even the most masculine sign person can be quiet and socially fearful. The masculine/feminine dynamic in astrology doesn't translate into outgoing or shy, or introverted or extroverted. Rather the masculine/feminine dynamic describes a person's mechanisms for processing energy encountered in the world.
Are Masculine Signs more Aggressive than Feminine Signs?Every person, whether they are primarily masculine or feminine, feels and exhibits aggression. Contrary to what seems like common sense, masculine signs are not more aggressive than feminine signs. It's the way that aggression is expressed that differs between masculine and feminine signs. Because feminine signs absorb and assimilate energy from other people, they have a deeper understanding of the nature of threats. They take the time to understand the threat on a feeling level. So when they express aggression, they do it with pinpoint precision that cuts deeply. Their deeper level of processing often results in a slower expression of aggression in which they calculate their moves carefully. Masculine signs express aggression quickly with overwhelming force that isn't always well targeted because their aim is to resist the energy from other people rather than take it in and understand it.
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