Jupiter in Astrology...
Jupiter Rules Sagittarius...
Jupiter represents limitlessness, expansion, adventure and optimism!
Jupiter represents limitlessness, expansion, adventure and optimism!
Easy come, easy go is the philosophy often felt when Jupiter is around. "Give me space" and "don't tell me what to do" are other frequently heard phrases with this planet. Jupiter is larger than life, confident and assumes it knows what is coolest, trendiest and most likely to grab attention. This attitude makes life proceed easily for Jupiter. It isn't that Jupiter is sure about its long-term goals or even what it will want tomorrow, but right-now, Jupiter is perfectly clear about its desires. Jupiter enjoys life on a moment-by-moment basis. Anything else would feel restrictive and would suppress the limitless zest for life this planet is so proud to have. |
Jupiter, the Philosopher...
By sign and house, Jupiter shows your philosophy of life. It shows your views about how life is and also about how you think life should be. Jupiter is opinionated and isn't shy about voicing its views on life. The style in which you express your view, the tone you use and the slant of your views is colored by the sign in which your Jupiter falls. A Jupiter in Aries expresses them forcefully. A Jupiter in Gemini speaks quickly and pulls on facts and figures. A Jupiter in Aquarius has a composed, grandparent-like tone. The house in which your Jupiter falls determines the setting or topic likely to spark the expression of your views. A sixth-house Jupiter will often express its views on work, routines or health habits. An eleventh-house Jupiter is likely vocal in groups and expresses worldly, political views.
Taking things for granted...Things come easily in the house where Jupiter falls in a natal chart. It's easy to take this for granted. This is a common pitfall for Jupiter. Jupiter doesn't always realize it has a good thing when it has it and can let things or people slip away. Often a seventh house Jupiter will gain friends or lovers easily, but won't get close enough to any of them and spend enough with any of them to really create lasting relationships. This can go on for years until they lose someone they really care about, but didn't understand that they cared until the person was gone. A sixth house Jupiter can feel as though they have all of the time in the world to meet a deadline until it is a few hours away all of the works has be rushed into a short period of time.
Taking things too far...Whatever Jupiter aspects in a natal chart will experience a limitless quality. Often this works well for the chart holder, but it can also get out of control. A Jupiter trine Mercury can produce a prolific writer, but it can also produce a person who never stops talking about of their wonderful knowledge in which no one else shares any interest. A Jupiter trine Mars person is able to exert their will without hesitation and will never be pushed around, but this person can also have a temper that is difficult to quell once it is ignited.
Use the natal chart generator to find the sign and house of your Jupiter.
Exuberance and Optimism...Jupiter removes inhibition and sets a person free to express themselves fully in every moment in the house it occupies. In a Jupiter ruled person, the optimism and fundamental faith can be inspiring. Just by being around these people, your spirit is lifted and life seems easier. They aren't worried about tomorrow or next year or about the opinions of others. When Jupiter is in the first house of self-expression or seventh house of one-to-one relationships, the chart holder often seems larger than life when interacting with people.
Jupiter in the Houses
Click to read article The Planets in Astrology