Composite Sun...
The vitality, energy and function of your relationship is found in your composite sun.
What is the driving force that keeps you together? What do you strive for and achieve as a couple? Look to the composite sun sign to find out what the force is, and to discover how to feed that energy and keep the relationship strong.
Your function together as a couple is shown by the house placement of the composite sun. It's important to satisfy the drive of the sun in the composite chart to keep the relationship moving forward and avoid a stagnant feeling in the relationship. When the composite sun is fed properly, the relationship is healthy and satisfying. |
Composite Sun in the 1st House...
As one of the strongest placements for a relationship, it makes the relationship important to both people and helps it withstand the test of time. The sun in the first house of the composite chart indicates a relationship where the egos of both people are fed by the relationship and purpose of the relationship is simply to make each other feel good about themselves. Both people feel more alive and able to express themselves more fully in the relationship, than outside of it. Because both people feel enlivened by the relationships, they both want the relationship to continue, giving the relationship longevity. Like being addicted to caffeine, the first house sun in a composite chart makes each person in the relationship want to keep getting more. The relationship is energizing and makes each person feel like they are living more fully. As a couple, this energy may make you come on strong to those around you, and for each person, care should be taken to not get an inflated ego that causes you to take the other person for granted. Remember that your energy comes from the union and you appear to be a strong and forceful couple because you enliven each other.
Composite Sun in the 2nd House...
What is important to each person in the relationship as far as values, is highlighted with a second sun house in addition to how the couple supports themselves financially, accumulates possessions, and enjoys earthly pleasures. The sun here gives you a drive to get what you want out of life in terms of physical possessions or anything that you, as a couple, regard as valuable. It could be something intangible, such as, living by a certain set of rules. Or it could be how you spend money on luxuries and what luxuries you choose. This is a good placement for achieving financial security because of the combined drive to accumulate money and possessions. The sun here creates an ideal atmosphere for joint business ventures because of this combined drive to accumulate money. However, if you disagree on the things you aim to purchase or anything you hold as valuable, you may have to put great effort into sorting it out because the sun is a powerful force, so you will both feel strongly about getting your way.
Composite Sun in the 3rd House...This is an excellent placement for communication and for intellectual relationships. Although it is great for friendship where conversation is key, it is also wonderful for romantic relationships. You will feel driven to discuss things and to approach your life together with a detached, intellectual style. It definitely fosters a relationship based on logical reasoning more than feelings. This is great unless you desire a more mystical, emotional relationship - the kind of relationship that words can't describe. With a composite third-house sun, words will be used to describe almost everything. It's a great placement for fellow students who want to spend hours researching or debating facts. Or as a couple, you may be interested in taking classes together or attending educational or scholarly events. Any activity that involves analyzing, collecting, or communicating information will feed and satisfy you as a couple.
Composite Sun in the 4th House...
As a water house, the fourth house is emotionally based. The composite sun here makes the relationship feel deep and close, even if it is only a friendship. In romantic relationships, it gives a feeling of familiarity and comfort to the relationship which drives both people to get as deeply connected as possible. There is an emotional urge for closeness. Time spent together without the need for any conversation is enjoyable because the simple feeling of being together is emotionally satisfying. There is a need to know about the other person, and diving deep into their family background and childhood memories seems required to completely know them. Building a family together or living together is desired and feels natural.
Composite Sun in the 5th House...
A relationship that feels energetic and fun is found with a composite fifth-house sun. Together, you feel driven to enjoy life. This isn't always the most practical placement for a serious relationship, like marriage, because responsibilities come second to fun. Also, strong emotion comes second to keeping things upbeat and enjoyable, which can be good or bad in marriage. With this position, you each appreciate the uniqueness in the other and enjoy experiencing your own genuine nature through the relationship. As this is the house of creativity, you both strive to develop your true nature through the relationship. Also, as the house of creativity, the sun here is a good placement for having children together.
Composite Sun in the 6th House...
Together you strive to live life well. This means keeping things in order, not wasting money because of carelessness, eating satisfying foods, and having a functionally efficient and comfortable home. You enjoy tackling projects together, and you take your time to do them well. Routines are important to you. A daily routine or a weekly routine that keeps the household running smoothly and keeps everyone in the family well, is a focus in your lives together. At its core, the sixth house is the earthy relationship house, so it's about dealing with practical earthy issues in a relationship setting. Ideally these issues, which are usually really nothing more than chores, are shared in the relationship. But, we all know that this is not how things usually work out. One person generally ends up doing more than the other. With a composite sixth-house sun, there is a focus on this dynamic in the relationship. It stands out as an issue. Therefore, care should be taken to make sure things remain balanced here. If they do, a very pleasant life can be enjoyed that entails a well-run household where everyone's needs are satisfied.
Composite Sun in the 7th House...
This placement can go very well, but it can also be a position with some pressure because the relationship itself is the goal. With the relationship itself as the focus and the goal, it's often over examined and picked apart. This creates a sensitivity to what's right and fair in the relationship. At it's best, it creates a highly valued relationship where the relationship comes before anything else in the couple's life. The happiness of you, as a couple, is always put before any individual needs. At its worst, it creates a relationship full of bickering over what's fair and who's behaving selfishly or unselfishly. Because this is an air house, these debates will involve a lot of discussion in an attempt to find the reasonable answers. Overall, this position indicates a relationship that is important to both people and because the relationship itself is the focus, it can be extremely rewarding.
Composite Sun in the 8th House...
A composite eighth-house sun relationship feels deep. Together you are focused on the deepest issues of the relationship, and the focus isn't intellectual, like an air house would be, or practical like an earth house would be. It's emotional and feeling based, making things a bit vague and undefined, yet powerful. Issues aren't always easy to sort out because they are felt, and not always understood. The couple needs to rely on their feelings and follow them. Each needs to make sure the other's feelings are acknowledged and respected for the relationship to run smoothly. Feelings about who has the most power in the relationship will be strongly felt and must be addressed for happiness here. This position gives a strong ability to rebuild if hard times strike. Together, you can battle and win any challenge in your life. But on a day-to-day basis, the key is being able to give and take within the relationship in a way that never causes resentment due to one person feeling used.
Composite Sun in the 9th House...
Your opinions about the philosophical rules of the relationship and your lives together are at the forefront with this placement. Nothing is just "let go" without questioning it. It is important for both of you to express your opinions about every matter. Together you search for greater meaning in the world. Traveling to gain as much knowledge and experience about our world is a pastime with this placement. Discussions about the rights and wrongs of the ways of our world in general are common. This is a wonderful placement for friendship because there is a certain detachment to it. The composite ninth-house sun is about expressing ideas and discussing them in order to broaden both of your outlooks on life. When it works well, there is always an open exchange of ideas and opinions that furthers the understanding of meaning in the world and in your relationship. When it doesn't, it's because the ideas and opinions of the other person aren't respected enough and bickering can result. Overall, however, this placement is conducive to a harmonious relationship.
Composite Sun in the 10th House...
Your image as a couple in the public eye is important to you with this placement. The right house, car, school for the kids and careers are important facets of the relationship. But it's not all about the public image. This placement gives a drive to achieve real success in the world, along with obtaining the status. You might embark on the same career together or at least be extremely supportive of each other in your respective careers. People are likely to see you as impressive in how you make your mark on the world as a couple. This is an excellent placement for a business or professional relationship. In a personal relationship, it moves you forward in the world because the focus is on achievement, but caution should be taken not to let the persona of the relationships and your material success overwhelm the need for personal, tender and compassionate moments.