Aries Rising...
Tall and thin with good posture, these people know how to stand up straight. Prominent eyebrows that are close together and a serious expression to the eyes. Attitude... Headstrong and ambitious, it's almost as if they are always looking for their next battle to win. Aries Rising is deliberate and outspoken, seeing life as a challenge. They often mistake the actions of others as threats to them and overreact with anger. Nevertheless, Aries rising gets credit for being brave and never backing down. They charge ahead into new situations and sort out the details later. Sometimes self-concerned because Aries rising is so independent, they are also always ready to fight for others. Quick to anger, they operate from their gut by responding to situations with their instinct first and their minds later. They enjoy competition and want to appear confident, often wearing jewelry and driving expensive cars to display their winning nature. Thrill seekers, Aries rising enjoys adrenaline rushes and anything that stirs up the action. |
Impatience is an issue for Aries rising. When they want something, they want it quickly. They are not graceful about waiting and will not hold back their complaints, which displays their sometimes overly self-concerned attitude. Sometimes it's as though they can't shift gears and take their minds off of their current goal, and if you're with them, you may feel that you get lost in the back of their mind. Other times, they are so busy achieving the next thing and fighting every demon, real and imaginary, that have difficulty staying on track. One thing always remains the same, they are always on a search for new challenges.
Rising signs are the most obvious part of our astrological make up. It's the outer-most layer of a person and casts its shadow on the whole natal chart, coloring it with its sign. It affects our appearance, attitude, how fast or slow we move, how we interpret new information, situations or people, and our immediate reactions.
Pisces Rising...Pisces rising appears scattered and detached, yet is more connected to its surroundings than any other...(Click to read article)