The Moon in the Houses...
The moon is the most powerful force in the natal chart.
It's the emotional you and the deepest, most personal you. The house in your natal chart which contains your moon is your haven in the world. You are drawn to the activities of this house and these activities come naturally to you. It would seem odd not to be engaged in the activities of the house where your moon falls in your natal chart. They are an essential part of your life and a sense of security is experienced when you are engaged in your moon's house. People are commonly drawn to the activities of their moon's house to a compulsive degree because of the sense of security they provide. If the moon's needs are denied for any reason, a person's happiness is deeply affected for the worse. This normally happens because of circumstances or forces that other people impose on us. Although we can choose to deny or sabotage the needs of our moon, this rarely happens because we have an innate need to satisfy our moons. We need to be true to our moons.
Use the natal chart generator
to find the house of your Moon. |
The Moon in the 1st House...With their moon in their first house of self expression, this person's emotions are easy to read. They feel their way through the world and are sensitive to emotional currents and reactions from others. It is easy to see if they are hurt or happy. They may try to hide their emotions, but it is difficult. They are on display. First-house moon people are cautious in their interactions and always on guard for fear of getting hurt. They will move slowly into new interactions and take care to assess the emotional impact every step of the way.
The Moon in the 2nd House...A constant worry about money and keeping the security it provides is common with a second-house moon. If money is plentiful, the chart holder may easily become complacent until the money dwindles causing a cycle of comfort and worry. Financial security is necessary for a person with their moon in their second house. This person will be greatly distressed without it. It is truly their greatest need. Second-house moon people enjoy maintaining their possessions, even if they do complain about it. Regardless, they will think about their possessions often and are often concerned about their upkeep. Gardening is often an enjoyable pastime for second-house moon people and they love to indulge in anything comfortable, such as, fine foods, drink or music. If they ever waste money, it will be on a comfort item.
The Moon in the 3rd House...Similar to a third-house sun position, a third-house moon is extremely interested in their immediate environment. Judging time, distance and directions are skills which come naturally to a third-house moon as they are extremely adept at navigating their immediate environment. Any kind of vehicle is paramount for a third-house moon because it allows them freedom to get around their environment to visit people and places. A third house-moon is at ease with learning and finds it comforting. Like the third-house sun, early schooling is a central issue whether it is positive or negative. This position also inclines a person to communicate their feelings and lends an ability to explain their feelings clearly. it gives a bit of detachment to the moon's emotions because it ads an intellectualism to the moon by house position, but the moon's sign is more influential than this house placement.
Planets in the Houses
The Sun
in the Houses Mercury
in the Houses Venus
in the Houses Mars
in the Houses Jupiter
in the Houses Uranus
in the Houses Saturn
in the Houses Neptune
in the Houses Pluto
in the Houses |
The Moon in the 4th House...Home and family are paramount for fourth-house moons as they look to home and family as their sanctuary in the world. Interacting with family members is serious business for fourth-house moons and any disagreements or disputes are taken to heart. Their heritage is experienced on a feeling level rather than as something they learn about as they mature, and it is always a part of them on a deeply emotional level. Whether for the better or worse, fourth-house moons have deep relationships with their parents, but it is the relationship with their mother which is deepest. Commonly fourth-house moon chart holders spend a great deal of time with their mothers growing up and are often home giving their mothers constant emotional support. Separating from their mothers to create their own home is done carefully always keeping their mother's feelings in mind. They welcome the continued support of their mother as they grow their own family and always keep her as a priority in their lives.
The Moon in the 5th House...For fifth-house moons, there is a constant need to find ways of expressing themselves. With the moon, there is always a need to fulfill the desires of the house in which it falls, which is so deep it is often unconscious. In the fifth house of self-expression, art, music, performing, home decorating, fashion, dating, and bearing children are examples of activities that fill the need, but the list is endless. Many people with a fifth-house moon are able to express themselves genuinely, and they are satisfied. Easily flowing from one creative endeavor to the next, they feel comfortable with who they are. Romance is second nature rather than awkward. Raising children comes naturally and they are able to let their childlike side express itself without feeling ashamed. However, there are fifth house moons that don't grasp the house with such ease. They continuously search for a way to share themselves and usually do so by having numerous romantic relationships or spending a great deal of time indulging in the party life as this lifestyle makes self-expression easier.
The Moon in the 6th House...
With the moon in the sixth house, the focus is on caring rather than perfecting. The sixth-house moon chart holder doesn't lose the desire to live well and perfect their skills, but this need is subdued by the need to care for others and be cared for by others in practical ways. Those with sixth-house moons assume that their loved ones will always provide them with food, money and shelter. Likewise, they are happy to do laundry, clean and cook. As long as the balance is there, these chart holders hum along happily, but if this balance is thrown off by a life event, it can leave these chart holders astonished and is likely to affect their physical health. They simply assume that the practical parts of daily living should be taken seriously by everyone with each person doing their part well, not allowing room for tragic errors which bring down the whole system. Sixth-house moon people are particular about their daily routines, often sticking to schedules which give them comfort. They have certain times for work, for eating and for exercise. They also have certain ways each of these things should be done. Food is central in the lives of sixth-house moon people. They are generally picky eaters and will not budge on their preferences. Mental balance and a peaceful, happy state of mind are very important for maintaining the physical health of people with their moon in the sixth house. Sixth-house moon people have a sensitive mind-body connection. If their mental state is unbalanced or they are unhappy, it will affect their physical health.
The Moon in the 7th House...
Seventh-house moons unconsciously form relationships with people in order to maintain their own emotional stability. They may want to care for other people or they may expect other people to care for them, but the expectation for emotional needs to be met through relationships is always there. In business, these can be people who expect associates to serve them. Or, a seventh-house moon may be skilled at serving others by partnering up with others to give legal counsel or by contributing valuable business skills. These chart holders need relationships with other people in order to feel comfortable with their own lives. Interactions with partners comfort them. Even if the interactions are combative, it still serves their need to move through their life through the vehicle of a relationship with another person. It's the interaction and the partnership that are needed rather than any specific person. This is why seven-house moon chart holders can be fickle in their love relationships. They are looking to get their own needs satisfied and there may always be someone who can do this better than their current partner. Add this to the fact that their expert skill at attracting and negotiating with people is unconscious, so that they don't even have to try to excel at it, and you have a person who can easily float from one relationship to the next. Those with a seventh-house moon or Cancer on their descendant often look for relationships with Cancer-like people who are emotional, caring and sensitive.
The Moon in the 8th House...
Emotional peace and comfort are sought through intimate relationships when the moon is in the eighth house and there is constant turmoil over who gives more and cares more in these relationships. Those with an eighth-house moon don't enjoy casual relationships. They take intimate relationships very seriously and know very quickly whether a potential mate is either someone they want or don't want. These people are often obsessed with their relationships because they put all of their focus and energy into them, unconsciously focusing their entire lives around their mate, and giving more than they should while wondering why their mate doesn't give as much to them. Happiness is found when the eighth-house moon person brings the unconscious into consciousness and realizes that they expect too much from their partners. It is their choice to focus their whole lives around their mate and expecting their mate to do the same thing is selfish and only leads to pain and disappointment. The eighth-house moon needs to learn self-sufficiency rather than expecting all their needs to be met through relationships. Extremely sensitive to the unspoken communication, these people experience other people on a feeling level. They assess people quickly and accurately with their feelings, and these feelings cannot be translated into words. This is an emotional weight carried around by the eighth-house moon because it is felt and not expressed. It becomes burdensome. Peace is found when they let go of these feelings and they let go of their expectations in relationships. In the eighth house, the moon needs to satisfy its need to care for another person without expecting anything in return. Satisfying the moon's need to probe and understand can be shifted to worldly issues like politics, psychology or astrology which helps to shift the focus away from the self, and therefore, freeing the eighth-house moon. This chart holder's mother is perceived as very emotional and passionate. Yet the chart holder never feels completely connected with her. This missing connection is forever sought through intimate relationships and by seeking greater meaning in understanding the grand scheme of the world. There are often gains or inheritances from women.
The Moon in the 9th House...
Comfort is found in exploring new places and ideas with a ninth-house moon. Traveling brings peace to these chart holders and gives them a renewed feeling. It can be frustrating to have a ninth-house moon because it is impractical and expensive to pick up and travel as often as these chart holders would like to. Often, they are left feeling unfulfilled. There is often a yearning to break free from the monotony of every-day life because ninth-house moons know in their hearts that they are missing so much of the world's adventure and excitement by going through the endless motions of daily life. Leadership positions in government, law, education or religion can help quell this inner need to break free. In these professions, ninth-house moons can debate opinions, deal with a variety of people and feel that their input has an impact. People are interesting to these chart holders and the more eccentric or foreign the better. The ninth-house moons knows that a lot can be learned from listening to the stories people tell and by trading ideas with them. Although ninth-house moons can be firm in their opinions because their opinions feel like such an integral part of what makes them who they are, listening to people with differing opinions always interests them. Ninth-house moons often have mothers who are somewhat detached. The chart holder may see their mother as someone who was always searching for something beyond the family.
The Moon in the 10th House...
Comfortable in the public eye, the tenth-house moon wants to be out in the world enjoying its natural gift of assumed high status. The public arena is the natural home for these chart holders and the world naturally accepts them. From an early age, these chart holders feel comfortable in the public eye. It is emotionally satisfying for them to feel accepted by the public. Being on stage, in front of a camera or speaking to the public comes naturally to them and feels emotionally natural. In fact, the feeling of being accepted by the public feeds their emotions, and success in the public eye gives them emotional homeostasis. These chart holders will always do well in careers involving caring for the public as the moon is about mutual caring. Think of Mahatma Gandhi whose tenth-house moon wanted to care for the world before himself. They tend to make career decision based on feelings. Following their hearts in their paths to success in the world is just natural for them. Being cooped up at home, dealing with house chores and responsibilities goes against their emotional grain. These are career people and they can become depressed when their connection to the public and the greater world "out there" is cut off by family obligations. At their core, tenth-house moons belong to the world. It is their source of emotional stability and makes them feel whole.
The Moon in the 11th House...
Martin Luther King, Fred Rogers, John Lennon, JFK, Oprah, Winston Churchill, Aldous Huxley, Ray Bradbury and Mikhail Gorbachev are a few famous eleventh-house moons. Their ability to move society on a large scale comes from a deeply felt need rather than the drive seen with the eleventh-house suns. It is emotionally based and there is comfort in groups. When an eleventh-house moon gives a speech or promotes their social message it has a caring tone to it. These chart holders often use the moon's emotional nature to express their views artistically. A high comfort level in group leadership positions puts people at ease and instills trust in people. They are able to lead people and enact social change by gaining trusting supporters. They also expect society to support them. The moon's caring nature has an equal but opposite need to be cared for in return. Depending on signs and aspects, they may have an expectancy of acceptance which gives them a natural advantage and confidence. The give and take involved in social networking is comfortable terrain for eleventh-house moons. They can easily inspire and comfort groups.
The Moon in the 12th House...
The twelfth-house moon person is denied the comforting, nurturing childhood the rest us assume is a normal part of childhood. A mother who is preoccupied, distant or absent creates an unnurturing environment for this twelfth-house moon child. Childhood is often painful and lonely. Over time, these chart holders have no choice but to learn how to self nurture. Sometimes this is done with drugs or alcohol, but religion, meditation, philosophy and service to others also satisfies the nurturing need. The ability to find a productive way to self-nurture that isn't self destructive is difficult and often takes years. It's easy for these people to fall into depression and feel lost and alone. It takes a great deal of emotional strength for them to crawl out of the dark loneliness of this planetary position and develop the ability to love themselves enough to compensate for the lack of emotional support they receive from the world. Even when these people are able to get past this, there is a vague feeling of confusion about how to find comfort and nurturing on a daily basis. They don't know what they like or how to really feel satisfied. A hollow feeling is always present and can never really be filled. Some feel that life will never truly satisfy them and that the afterlife or spiritual world would be more satisfying. They are mystified by anything that can draw them out of the mundane day-to-day world and into something greater and boundless. At worst, twelfth-house moons never get beyond the self-pity and forever feel that the world is a cold and uncaring place where they are always alone. Being cruel to others as a type of unconscious revenge that gives them an ability to control and gain attention from a world that they feel has always controlled and ignored them is sometimes seen with this position. At best, twelfth-house moons find their hidden twelfth-house gift which is their ability to realize that we are all really alone in the world and the only path to true happiness is to truly love and nurture yourself. Their struggle gives them an understanding of this that no one else can really appreciate. While others constantly rely on others for emotional support, twelfth-house moons can be completely self-sufficient and at peace with their heart and spirit. Better yet, they can offer a compassion to others that comes from their uniquely deep understanding which is their hidden talent. Many of these chart holders express these compassionate feelings through art, while others do so by interacting directly with people in need.