Aries Traits & Personality...
Aries is the one who stands out in the crowd. For one reason or another Aries will make a statement. It may be the way they are dressed, the way they speak or what they say, but they will be noticed. Wallflowers they are not! Even the most subdued Aries will have something about them that draws attention.
The women are the true divas of the zodiac. Red is their favorite color even if they say it isn't, and they adore an occasion that gives them an excuse to dress up. They will do it well and look fabulous even if they overdo it. Oops, sometimes Aries can overdo it. But whatever...they are just out to have fun anyway. Sometimes overdoing it can be fun. There is no question that Aries is fun. They go after fun as though it is a mission, and don't get in their way. |
They will knock you down, physically if necessary! The other rule for Aries is: don't tell them what to do. That's their job. As the only cardinal fire sign, they have the proper tools to be in charge, and they are always ready to do it. Now, this isn't to say they always make the best leadership decisions. They certainly know what they want for themselves and what is right for them, but they don't necessarily know what is right for you even though they are convinced they do. This can sometimes cause, to put it lightly, a rub. Don't worry. Another challenge will come along and grab their attention or enough time will go by, like ten minutes, and they will be over it.
They get over things very quickly and go back to being their usual, fun-seeking selves. The Aries men are the crusaders. Constantly in search of a mission, they are always ready to conquer. They will happily stand up for themselves and those they love. And if it's a stranger in need of help, like Libra, they will help. Especially if it's an underdog. They love the underdog. The underdog gives them a qualified and verified mission to fight for. Until a reason to conquer makes itself known, the Aries man will often seem like the strong, silent type. Standing with the arms folded, good posture is second nature. Think of the soldier dressed crisply, back straight and silently ready for action. If Aries can defeat evil and be the hero, they are fulfilled. If only there were more battles available to fight and win. This modern world doesn't always give them the opportunities they need for action. Sports, the military or even video games are useful outlets for their fighting spirit. Aries will always do well engaging in these types of activities which will allow them to release all of that energy. Without these activities, the energy is stored and grows until it is released simply because there is just too much of it and it can no longer be contained. When finally released, the energy will likely be misdirected and hit an unjustified target. The energy that could have been used to fight and win a justified battle may just come out as complaining or harassing behavior directed at the nearest unsuspecting bystander.
With all of this vitality and fighting spirit, Aries men and women are most often in good physical shape. Rarely are they overweight. In fact, working out is therapeutic for Aries. It offers yet another healthy energy release and they relish in looking good so they will stand out in the crowd. Aries are likely to have tattoos or piercings and enjoy tannings, waxing or expensive hair and nail treatments. Their looks matter to them and they will put in the effort so they can look their best. Conversations with Aries can be quite entertaining. |
They are, by far, the most blunt and to-the-point of any sign. As the polar opposite of Libra, who just can't help sugar coating everything to the point where you can't even figure out what they are trying to say, Aries will be very clear. There will be no mistakes and no missing their point. If they want you to do something, they will give a direct order. Whereas Libra will make a polite suggestion about how it would be nice if this or that was a certain way, and how maybe or perhaps, you could help them with that. Aries will literally tell you, point blank, to do it. They may even warn you about what will happen if you don't! So, if you like a straightforward person who never minces words, hang out with an Aries. Everything will be clear. For this reason, Aries is generally pretty honest.
Taurus Traits & Personality
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The Difference Between Aries Sun & Moon...
A difference in reactivity and intensity level is seen between the Aries sun and the Aries moon. The Aries sun is much more measured and restrained than the Aries moon. Because the moon represents emotion, an Aries moon can be quite passionate and doesn't mind expressing it. In contrast, the Aries sun tries to remain composed and confident. They prefer to represent their strength...(Click to read article)