Composite Mars...
Your will and ability to assert yourself as a couple is shown by Mars in your composite chart.
The composite Mars shows your ability to assert yourselves, together, as a couple. Where you forge your way through life is shown by the house position of Mars in the composite chart. Mars' position indicates where you take what you want and need from the world, and where you get your way as a couple. Mars also represents your self-expression in its purest, most honest form. Not necessarily through words or art or relationships, but through genuine behavior that exhibits the raw core of a person. In a composite chart, Mars shows where the couple exhibits their most genuine self-expression with each other, and in the couple's interactions with the world.
Composite Mars in the 1st House...This is a powerful position for Mars in a composite chart, because you as a couple, are quite comfortable asserting yourselves and expressing your will in your daily interactions with other people. As a couple, you meet every new situation ready to conquer it. Couples with their composite Mars in their first house can achieve a great deal together because their combined energy is assertive and competitive. Together, you have an active energy. You are willing to fight for the things you want. Your self-expression as a couple is genuine and raw, so you are not shy about imposing your will on the world as you encounter it. The world is seen as a place that offers everything you want, as long as you are willing to go out and claim it for yourselves. Couples with this position enjoy the exhilaration of exerting their influence on the world and making their mark. Together, you feel powerful and confident in expressing yourself honestly. Because you feel this way as a couple, care should be taken not to overwhelm each other with your egos. Remember to respect each other's right to self-expression.
Composite Mars in the 2nd House...Together you put great effort into upholding your values, and obtaining the possessions that give you pleasure and make you feel secure. You don't hesitate in doing what's necessary to build your own physical haven in this world. It's important to you as a couple, and it feeds your egos. A nice house, car, clothing, or a well-stocked kitchen are things that not only give you comfort, but also represent who your are in an ego sense. A proactive approach to building your wealth is natural for you. You never just wait for things to happen. Instead, you prefer to go out and get what you want. If you disagree about what you want as far as possessions, you are likely to have heated debates in order find resolution. Compromising isn't easy because Mars' purpose is to serve the will. It is a naturally self-serving planet. This, combined with Mars' active, fearless nature, can cause you to make spur-of-the-moment purchases that you may not really be able to afford. There is a certain passion in getting what you want with this position. This is also found with your values. As a couple, you are not shy about sticking to your values with each other, or with those outside of your relationship. You are clear in your opinions and stick to them. Disagreements between the two of you over values, can be difficult to resolve because you are each assertive in expressing them, and fight for your right to have your own opinion. When dealing with people outside your relationship, you can make a strong united front in standing up for the things you value.
Composite Mars in the 3rd House...With the composite Mars in the third house, a couple is never afraid to say what they think to each other or to anyone else. As a couple, you are assertive communicators. You don't hold back in conversations with other people or with each other. A blunt, honest communication style is used in conversation. Arguments and disagreements, both with each other and with those you deal with, are likely because Mars has an "act first" and "think later" nature. This is the dynamic operating behind Mars' blunt, honest style. In the third house, this is shown with words in communication.
Because the third house is about the immediate environment, a composite third-house Mars inclines a couple to stay active within their immediate community of friends and relatives. There is a natural desire to get out of the house and socialize with people in order to enjoy you own ability to be self-expressive and to communicate. There is a curiosity regarding the goings-on in your community, and your blunt, assertive nature as a couple leads you to ask the questions that give you the information you want. As the third house is also about learning and obtaining information, your composite Mars is likely to make you both dive into anything that provides a better understanding of how to successfully operate in your immediate environment.
Composite Mars in the 4th House...
Mars in the fourth house of a composite chart, creates a need to be up-front and honest in your self-expression about feelings that are usually kept more private. With this position, you ,as a couple, are apt to delve into topics, such as, deep feelings about family that are normally left alone. There is an assertiveness about expressing these feelings, which are pretty deep, as this is a water house. Mars likes to deal with things right away, and its blunt nature that serves its own will first, can forget that people are often sensitive about many issues. This can cause turmoil in the relationship. With this position, you likely have many confrontations about family, parents, and home issues. In a long-term, intimate relationship like marriage, this can wear you down. They are heavy issues and have enormous impact on both of your lives. Issues, such as, balancing work and career, or having your ill parent live with you, or moving because of a promotion or career change are all very emotional. Mars' nature is to take the issue and proactively push it to get quick resolution. There is no consideration for feelings, and the blunt honesty the planet brings to a house can be hurtful. However, if both of you understand that this tendency exists in your relationship, you can use the assertive, honest, nature of Mars to your advantage. With an awareness of this Mars energy, you can think twice about blurting out blunt remarks to spare each other's feelings, but you can use the energy of Mars to move issues along that may otherwise stagnate and even breed resentment.
Composite Mars in the 5th House...
The fifth house is about creativity and self-expression through a medium like relationships or art. This dynamic is amplified when Mars is present here. Mars charges ahead and fearlessly expresses its true, inner nature and will, so in a composite chart, you as a couple, use your relationship as the medium for your need to express yourself and assert your will. Fortunately, the fifth house is light and fun, rather than deep and emotional, so the assertive, outspoken, nature Mars uses to satisfy these needs isn't likely to hurt feelings or cause a lot of friction. However, it will usually cause some because a large part of Mars' purpose is to serve the will and fight battles. In the fifth house of a composite chart, the friction is likely to be about what recreational activities are best for you as couple, or there may be jealousy due to thoughtless flirting with other people. Mars represents the male form of sexuality, so in the house of romance and self-expression through relationships, it can get people into trouble. People with this position need to remember to focus this sexual energy on "each other" if they care about the relationship lasting. When the energy is used carefully, and properly focused onto each other through the relationship, this position can be extremely gratifying. Each of you will feel free to be your true selves. The relationship acts as a vehicle for your own self-expression and the satisfaction of your own will when Mars' energy is used wisely. Care must be taken not to let Mars' often selfish nature get in the way of enjoying the uniqueness of each individual as you combine into one through a relationship. In its most mundane form, this is experienced through sex. Sex is always a little selfish, but that's okay, because a lot of its fun lies in its ability to help you see and experience yourself through your mate.
Composite Mars in the 6th House...
You can be very productive as a couple with this position, as long as neither of you has to be the boss. A sixth-house composite Mars wants to get things done, but Mars' serves the will. So, even in a composite chart that is about you as a couple, Mars tends to make each person a bit selfish. It's only natural. In the sixth house, this can mean each person constantly expecting the other to serve them. If a member of a couple lets this get out of control, they can be bossy, demanding, task-masters. Awareness of this possible pitfall goes a long way to curb it. Working together to satisfy your will as a couple is always better than either of you thinking you can use the relationship to serve yourself. When the choice is made to work together, Mars' active nature can achieve a great deal for you as a couple. This not only relates to joint projects at home, but you may work together in your careers. The sixth house is about doing the work that needs to be done everyday and doing it well. Mars here adds a sense of urgency. It causes a couple to want to tackle every task immediately. Difficult tasks are battled until they are conquered. Mars has no fear. It will tackle anything. However, do look out for Mars' tendency to burn intensely, but burn out quickly. Projects that are started can easily be abandoned due to Mars' tendency to come on strong, and then fizzle out before the job is done. Again, awareness of this tendency can help a couple avoid this.
Composite Mars in the 7th House...The seventh house is about negotiating, compromising, and being attractive. To a large extent, it focuses on the relationship itself, in its own right. Therefore, in a composite chart, which is a chart of the relationship itself, it is a powerful house. Mars is essentially a selfish planet. It's a personal planet that serves the will of the chart holder. So when Mars is in Libra's house of compromising and negotiating, some tension can arise. So putting it together, the wills of each person, represented by Mars, need to be satisfied through the relationship, represented by the seventh house. This is tough. For a person's will to be satisfied, they generally have to get their way! However, the seventh house is about negotiating and compromising.
For this to work well, each person in the relationship must keep in mind that their will may sometimes need to be sacrificed for the benefit of the relationship. This is always true in any relationship, but with this position, it is accentuated because each person is driven to satisfy their will through the relationship, rather than through some external outlet. Accepting and being aware of this dynamic is best. This way, each person can work on and even celebrate their successes in working together as a unit to satisfy their wills. The best and most mature expression of a seventh-house, composite Mars, is a relationship in which each member of the couple works to satisfy the other person's will. This elevates the house to its highest form of being cooperative, putting the relationship first, and ultimately appearing very attractive to each other.
Composite Mars in the 8th House...
Passions can run high with Mars in the eighth house of the composite chart. When Mars, the planet of satisfying your personal will, is in the house of the most intimate gains and losses in relationships, powerful feelings brew. Like in the seventh house, this fundamentally self-serving planet has difficulty in a house primarily focused on relationship issues. What's more, the eighth house goes a step beyond the seventh house. Unlike the seventh house where we negotiate to reach compromises, the eighth represents actual gains and losses through relationships, in which there are often no choices involved. Things just seem to happen in this house, and they are often heavy things like divorce, death or large financial gains and losses. Mars has difficulty accepting the finality of this house. Mars wants to fight. It enjoys battling for what it wants. In a composite chart, Mars in the eighth house can make each person in the relationship feel frustrated. Mars' fighting energy can get suffocated by situations that no amount of fighting can change. It's best to use Mars' fighting nature to battle for each other's survival when difficulty arises. Mars' natural desire to defend the weak can be used to support each other, and turn each person in the relationship into a real hero. Remember to focus Mars' energy on keeping each other strong against whatever seemingly inevitable gains and losses occur between each of you, as individuals, or between you as a couple and the outside world. This will keep your relationship strong.
Composite Mars in the 9th House...
As a couple, there is an assertiveness in expressing philosophical or ideological views with each other when Mars falls into the ninth-house of a composite chart. The two of you will not hold back your opinions in these matters because your egos are inflated by voicing your views to each other or to the world. There is a sense of power that is gained by thinking through your ideas and expressing them. Whenever religious, political, or philosophical topics arise, you are likely to debate the issue in an honest and blunt way. The debates enliven and invigorate you. When you agree on the issues, you are likely to take your views out in the world and act as a strong force together as a couple in selling your point of view to others. You are likely to seek out travel as a couple because the experience acts as a contrast between who you are, compared to the rest of the world. It helps you understand your own identity better, and therefore, lends clarity to your self-expression. There is a drive to experience the world on a grand scale in order to understand yourselves better. You better understand where you fit into the world as a couple by exploring different ideas, cultures, and places. It feels like you grow as a couple when you discuss ideas. Whether or not you agree or disagree, the energy between is fueled by the discussion.
Composite Mars in the 10th House...
This is a powerful placement for a couple in a composite chart. Together you are willing to battle to get your way in the outside world. Assertive as a couple, you deal with the world by pushing your way to the top. If you don't trip over each other's egos in the process, you can achieve a great deal together. In the tenth house of the composite chart, Mars can focus the need to satisfy the chart holders' will on something outside of the relationship. A career or status in the community can be used to satisfy each person's needs and wants rather than anything intrinsic to the relationship itself. This can create an outlet for both of you to focus your need to compete and win. If you do it as a joint effort, your relationship can be strengthened. Your persona as a couple is bold and brave. Your community, which can range from your neighbors to the whole world, see you as a couple who takes on challenges and asserts yourselves to earn their place in the public eye. Because Mars can act first and think later, be careful about your public behavior as a couple. Keep this urgent nature of Mars in mind before doing things that are in the public view and cannot later be undone.
Composite Mars in the 11th House...
You in the crowd - the eleventh house is about how you interact, give and share, and take from society. Keep in mind, another way to describe society is "all of the people in the world who you don't know". They are strangers. In reality, the eleventh house also includes acquaintances, but the point is better made by describing them as strangers. For clarity and comparison, your friends and family are not society. It's all of those other people, who you've never met, or barely know who are "society". In a composite chart, Mars in the eleventh house makes you daring, assertive, blunt, and honest with society - with people you don't know. When your composite Mars is in the eleventh house, you are not shy about relating with strangers. In fact, you relish in satisfying your own will, needs, and wants through them. As a couple, you see social networking as a means to get what you want in life. You can use groups and organizations filled with unknown faces and personalities to achieve your dreams, hopes, and wishes. Together you can be leaders of these groups and help them fight their battles. This is a good way to give back to them after they help you satisfy your will. Mars loves to fight for an underdog. Groups and organizations often have these underdog fights as their goal. Couples with their composite Mars in the eleventh house are a perfect match for them. As long as you, as a couple, remember to respect each other and don't step on each other as you climb the social networking ladders, you'll do quite well.
Composite Mars in the 12th House...Arguments about nothing are common when the composite Mars is in the twelfth house. You may complain to each other about things while neither one of you really understands why. This mysterious bickering is caused by the twelfth house's unconscious nature. Feelings float around in this house, but they don't appear to have a source. With Mars here, they are aggressive feelings that center around getting your way. You each feel that the other person is keeping you from what you want. There is an unexplainable, vague feeling that the other person is sabotaging you, and squashing your right to have things your way. Try your best to keep things out in the open when your composite Mars is in the twelfth house. These feelings can be dealt with if they are discussed openly and honestly. An awareness that they are being caused by this planet position in your composite chart should help to quell the simmering frustration and anger it can cause. Remember also that planets in the twelfth house are not only felt unconsciously, but yearn for real conscious expression. You each want to fully exert your will and your right to speak bluntly and honestly about what you want. You each want to express your anger when you feel it, without having to feel that it isn't allowed for some reason, which neither of you can explain. Try to keep your awareness level high and express your feelings of anger in a kind, constructive way that relieves the tension. Be honest with each other about what you want, and clearly speak your mind so your feelings don't translate into senseless bickering.