Composite Mercury...
Look at your composite Mercury to see the way
you think and communicate as a couple. How well you communicate, your style of conversation, and the manner in which you process what you say to each other are all shown by the position of your composite Mercury. The thought processes you use in reaching important decisions or the way you think through issues are described by Mercury's house position.
Some house positions can make communication easier and clearer, while others tend to fog things. Misunderstandings are more likely with certain house positions. The process you engage in to make decisions, can also be easier or more difficult based on the position of Mercury in your composite chart. |
Composite Mercury in the 1st House...
Your communication abilities as a couple are a big part of the way you view your relationship when Mercury is in the first house of your composite chart. Because the first house is about self-expression, this house position puts your communication abilities on display to the people you encounter on a daily basis. People are likely to notice your communication skills as a couple. The first house is also about your self image, so your ability to communicate well is very important to you both and effects they way you see your relationship. If you communicate well, you are likely to view your relationship positively and vice versa. This position naturally lends itself to good communication simply because it so important to you both. Your ability to solve problems and think things through together also effects your self image as a couple, making these skills important to you both. You are likely to put great effort into making decisions that benefit you both so that you can both maintain a good opinion about the relationships
Composite Mercury in the 2nd House...The composite second house Mercury is where intellect meets with the material world. This is an excellent combination and an excellent position in the composite chart. Being smart as a couple about how to navigate through our physical, earthly existence can mean that you are able to earn a good income together, that you are able to successfully accumulate possessions that you value, or hopefully, both! In any event, these issues are on your minds as a couple and you communicate about them often. Together, you are good at putting your heads together and finding clever ways to make money. You make a shrewd couple when shopping and finding the best deals. Also, because the second house is about what you value, Mercury's presence hear means that you value your intellectual relationship and the way it helps you both in the world. Your composite Mercury here shows that you communicate often about your values and want you both want from the world. You each understand what the other wants as far as your purchases and physical comforts, and any differences you have will definitely be talked through.
Composite Mercury in the 3rd House...In the third house, your composite Mercury is at home in its own house, making this a great placement. Intellect and communication, in their own rights, are highlighted. Conversations are frequent and can focus on any topic. The point is to keep communication open and free flowing. You enjoy figuring things out together. Puzzles and games are enjoyable. Keeping up with current events and local gossip are stimulating and discussing them is entertaining. You each are interested in how the other's mind works and you find each other's minds interesting, which can keep a relationship going in the long-run. Keeping active with short jaunts around town is important. Together you enjoy visits with friends and relatives. Having frequent get-togethers with close friends and family just feels natural, keeps your minds active, and gives you plenty of gossip to discuss afterward when you are alone together. Your intellectual relationship is key with this position making this a great position for friendship or for love that also has a friendly feeling.
Composite Mercury in the 4th House...
When the composite Mercury is in the fourth house of home, family, and deep feelings between family members, the often heavy emotions surrounding this house are lightened and given a somewhat intellectual detachment. Often in families, the feelings that exist between its members are deep and difficult to put into words. Mercury here makes the family relationship between each member of a couple less emotional and more out in the open and available for discussion. The couple with this position wants to communicate about family issues. They want to talk trough family issues rather then letting them fester in an emotional black hole as they often do. In this way, this is a good position. However, it is also possible to let this go too far. Deeply felt family emotions can be taken too lightly and a detachment occurs. There is also a tendency for powerful feelings to get overlooked or misunderstood by Mercury's detached nature. In this case, the couple may want to be aware that although an analytical and intellectual approach to family matters has its benefits, emotions do need to be addressed.
Composite Mercury in the 5th House...
The fifth house of creative expression, play and romance is given an intellectual tone when Mercury is present here. This house operates on gut instinct. Creativity, play and romance aren't normally given a lot thought, they more or less spring from our imagination spontaneously. Mercury here makes us think a bit about these elements in our lives. In a composite chart, it can mean that romance is experienced as a flirting between the minds. Words are frequently used in wooing each other and you may enjoy intellectual stimulation to build a romantic atmosphere. Pastimes of a Mercurial sort are found enjoyable. Anything that stimulates communication and the intellect is enjoyable for you as a couple. Because the fifth house is also about "creating" children, your composite Mercury here makes you carefully think through the decision to have children. The decision is intellectual rather than emotional. Once children have arrived, their education is seen as very important and they are treated with intellectual respect.
Composite Mercury in the 6th House...
This position can be powerful and very helpful in a relationship. Mercury rules the sixth house and knows how to get things done here. Your composite Mercury in the sixth house is a practical position that has great benefits. The sixth house is about living well. The details of daily living like food, health, exercise, and caring for those who can't care for themselves, including animals, are all sixth matters. For many people these are seen as chores and nuisances. In relationships they can cause arguments over who should do what and how often. With Mercury here, the house is given a useful detached, intellectual feeling. It makes it easier for a couple to discuss who should do what job without a lot of emotional arguments. Communication about working is clear. Mercury also lends is cleverness to the sixth house. Together, you can find efficient ways to get through the often monotonous and boring tasks of each day.
Composite Mercury in the 7th House...
In the seventh house of a composite chart, Mercury is a great benefit to communication about the relationship itself. Negotiating in the relationship is made easier with Mercury here. It isn't romantic, but relationships do require compromises and adjustments from each member of the couple for them to work in the long-term. The seventh house focuses on how we attract each other, the behavior we expect from each other, and how we work through compromises. Mercury here does its usual magic of taking away the heavy emotional feelings and targeting the issues in an abstract and intellectual way. As always, Mercury fosters clear communication and aids in discussions that would otherwise be swept away by the fear of emotional pain. You are likely to find each other attractive for your minds, your senses of humor, or your conversational abilities. You each believe that the other is able to communicate their expectations in the relationship, and you find the relationship itself to be mentally stimulating.
Composite Mercury in the 8th House...Mercury's ability to lighten a house is never more appreciated than in the eighth house, where intensely emotional relationship issues are battled through, as a matter of daily life. Mercury's objective, intellectual, and communicative approach benefits couples who have the planet in the eighth house of their composite chart. Problems of an emotional nature are seen more abstractly with this placement than without. If one member of a couple proposes to use a large portion of the couple's income for a hobby, for example, Mercury's presence in the eighth house will allow the couple to discuss a rational decision about whether this will work in their relationship. The couple will get a calculator and figure out mathematically how it will affect them greatly reducing the likelihood of seeing the request as emotionally selfish and something that will cause resentment in the long term. However, seen from the opposite vantage point, Mercury here can bring a detached and aloof feeling to a house that is really about deep bonding and sharing. Sometimes it's nice to feel the gratitude from your partner when they are willing to give to you from their heart. Mercury can be oblivious about feelings, so couples with this placement may miss out on some of the good parts of the emotional give and take in relationships.
Composite Mercury in the 9th House...
As the house that deals with opinions and ideals about how life should be led, as well as why we are alive in the first place, the ninth house is an interesting home for Mercury in a composite chart. People who feel strongly about philosophical or religious issues can come to blows with their partners if their opinion on these issues don't blend well. Mercury's objective, factual, nature seems like it would make any disagreements here easy to resolve. Simply go through the facts and sort it all out. The problem is that the ninth house doesn't deal with many facts. Philosophies about life, religion, and government are really opinions rather than facts that can be sorted through, making Mercury here a bit frustrating. Mercury loves to communicate, but couples can discuss, what they call facts, all day and never reach a conclusion that satisfies either person. Without the possibility of resolution, nit picking and criticisms about each person's philosophies of life ensue. With the conscious realization that conclusions can never be drawn, and each person is entitled to their opinion, this position can lend its usual detached, rational ways to this house. The couple can spend their time exploring all of the possible answers to life's questions in the usual ninth-house ways, by reading, traveling, exploring, and talking to people without worrying about reaching conclusions or about who's right.
Composite Mercury in the 10th House...
Your public image as a couple, and your ability and style of achieving in the world have an intellectual and rational nature when Mercury is in the tenth house of your composite chart. You are able to communicate clearly about your objectives for careers, and in achieving the level of status you desire. Rational plans can be made and systematically pursued. The tenth house is a practical house. It is focused on earthly matters of success and reputation. Mercury's detached nature functions well here by fostering clear thinking and rational decisions. Practical as it is, the tenth house deals with big issues. A career mistake can have a huge impact on a couple's life. Mercury's decisive and intellectual approach to decision making, guards against making hasty decisions based on emotion or momentary desires. The couple with this position may be viewed by the public as smart or clever.
Composite Mercury in the 11 House...
When maneuvering through the world of acquaintances, friends, and strangers who you need to associate with for one reason or another, you are intellectually nimble and clever as a couple. Working through people you do not know well or at all, to get what you want from the world, as well as giving back to the people of the world in the form of your talents, is represented by the eleventh house. Together, you use your wit and mental agility to accomplish these things. Mercury fits well in the eleventh house of a composite chart. It makes you light on your feet at social gatherings. You are able to keep things light when engaging in social activities involving large numbers of people. Networking to gain profitable social connections is easy for you. Conversations with new people flow easily when you are together at gatherings. As a couple, you appear easy going, witty, and conversational when meeting new people or associating with groups.
Composite Mercury in the 12th House...Communication can be clouded when Mercury is in the twelfth house of a composite chart. The twelfth house represents the unconscious, and it's difficult to understand your own unconscious, not to mention the unconscious of your partner. So, when the planet of intellect and communication is in a house where things are unconscious, it's difficult to understand each other and communicate. Mercury wants to put facts together and reason things through, then it wants to report its conclusions. This simply isn't going to happen in the twelfth house. As a couple with this placement, it's better not to try. An understanding that you will never really understand what's going on in your partner's head, is better than a constant struggle to figure it out. Probing each other for answers about deep feelings is temping with this position, but it is ultimately fruitless. You will likely have the feeling that your partner is hiding something. It is just a feeling. Neither one of you will ever be able to communicate the unconscious workings of your psyche to vanquish those haunting, unsure feelings you have about each other. Just try to keep things light. Mercury does help with that even in the twelfth house. Don't allow curiosity about vague ideas and thoughts ruin a relationship.