The hard-working, responsible Capricorn who is always looking out for their family has a powerfully rebellious nature. It may be that the stress of all of that responsibility becomes too much at times and they need to break free and rebel. Or, it may be that they are so responsible that they just can't stand to have anyone tell them what to do. They know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. Capricorns don't need anyone telling them. It's probably a little of both. Capricorns have big egos and strong personalities. Combine this with the fact that they are extremely responsible and you get a person who is really likely to tell you to f**k off if you try to push them around. Yes, Capricorns curse often and can be crude with their expressions and stories. They speak from their gut and say what they mean. You won't get any sugar-coated messages delivered in a sweet voice from a Capricorn. You'll get direct commands. They are blunt, to the point and see things clearly. However, they do tend to put a negative spin on things which may be another source of their rebellion. They are harsh critics of themselves, you and life. With all of that critical, negativity brewing in their minds, even Capricorn wants to bust out and break free. Capricorn sees the world as a difficult place, so naturally they would like to escape it. They have this in common with Pisces' need to escape, but Capricorn does it with rebellion. Rather than slink away into oblivion like a Pisces, Capricorn will revel in making a big point about it. For Capricorn, it's the point. Don't tell them what to do!
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Photos used under Creative Commons from McPig This isn't the same control need that we find with Scorpio, who needs to control other people. This is a private need for control over themselves and their own eating habits.
Control is a sixth house theme, but because it is their moon found here, these people are also looking for emotional comfort from their sixth house. Food can definitely satisfy this need. I have seen this need run the full gamut from people who study nutrition and eat only foods that they have learned to be the absolute best, to people who couldn't care less about nutrition, but they will only eat food that tastes delicious. Delicious, unhealthy food does a great job of satisfying their moon. But healthy food can also satisfy their moon's need for emotional comfort by giving them the secure feeling of having cared for their bodies. Healthy or unhealthy, as long as they can eat what they want, the way they want to eat it, they are satisfied. We've all had a Capricorn sun, moon or ascendant person who we've heard complain day after day about how much work they have... No one does any work except them! They have had to work so hard all of their lives! There are many more of these typical Capricorn complaints about work. Do they really work harder than the rest of us, or do they just complain about it more? We really can't be sure, but we do know that they talk about it too much! The worst offender is probably the Capricorn moon. The suns and risings do it too, but the moons are the worst. The moon represents your inner feelings and drives. As a Capricorn moon, your feelings are ruled by the task master of the zodiac, Saturn. So you are at least going to feel like you work harder than anyone else. The pressure is real. The pressure to succeed, to achieve and to accomplish your daily tasks in going to weigh on you minute by minute. A good way to vent the pressure is to talk about it. All Capricorns are acutely aware of what work needs to be done. Beware if you are responsible for any of that work. They will not let you forget it. If you don't do it, they will cover your ass and make sure it gets done, but they will remind about how you didn't do your part for the next month, at least! They will also resent you. They really can't stand people who don't pull their weight because they just can't help themselves from always pulling theirs. This intense sense of responsibility for work often leads to depression in Capricorns, again, especially the Capricorn moons. They have to be responsible about work, but they honestly don't want to be. They would love to run free and not care about any of it. But, because they can't bring themselves to do this, they resent those who can. The resentment can drive them away from people and leave them alone and depressed just thinking about all of the work they have to do and how no one else cares. It's a sad scenario. Luckily, many Capricorns manage to have a sense of humor about it. Because Capricorns eventually realize that real complaining just drives people away, they learn to put a humorously, dry and sarcastic spin on their complaints as they mow through their day. This is great self-therapy for them and helps to keep them sane. So the next time you're around a Capricorn and hear them complain about working too much, even if it's funny, remember that they really do mean it. Offer to give them a hand, and don't worry. They're so responsible that nine times out of ten, they won't even take your help. But they will definitely appreciate the offer. Although they are similar, Gemini Rising is not the same as Mercury on the ascendant. A planet on the ascendant is more concerned with self expression and a rising sign is more concerned with interpreting and reacting to what is encountered in the world. Consequently, a planet on the ascendant is more noticeable to others than a rising sign. A person who has Mercury on the ascendant is like a machine you can't turn off. They will talk incessantly. They are obsessed with expressing themselves. Mercury on the ascendant, especially if it is on the twelfth house side, will cause a person to talk about anything that enters their mind. It seems like a constant flow of thoughts that just pour out of their mouths. I'm sure they do have some sort of filter. They can't possibly say everything that crosses their minds, but for the listener, it certainly seems like they do. These people speak as though they are their own audience. What the listener thinks is less important than their need to put their thoughts into words. At their worst, they actually talk to themselves, at their best, they phrase things as though they don't even know the listener. They will refer to people in the same room using the third person. It's as though the power of speech overcomes them and they forget that they are speaking for the listener rather than themselves. Because they are voicing virtually every though they have, they also you the word "I" quite often. This makes sense right? If you are verbally expressing most of the your thoughts and feelings, the word "I" would have to be used a lot. This is the power of the actual planet of Mercury on the ascendant as opposed to simply having Gemini rising. A planet on the ascendant is more expressive and the rising sign is more receptive. Gemini rising has a different effect. Gemini rising doesn't feel the need to express so much of themselves verbally. Yes, they can be talkers, but they have more restraint. They don't say everything they think. Gemini rising shows itself more by processing what it encounters in the world rather than verbally expressing everything it thinks to the world. Gemini rising looks at the world and wants to analyze and pick things apart. They want to move from thing to thing and they have a low threshold for boredom. Gemini rising figures things out and is critical of what it encounters. Problems are solved by looking at facts and finding concrete answers. In the end, planets are just more powerful than signs. Mercury on the ascendant is more powerful of an influence than Gemini rising. So, the need for verbal expression may be more obvious. Also consider that if you have Mercury on the ascendant, you also have a rising sign there with it. So there is always a combined effect of Mercury on the ascendant with whatever rising sign you have. Some rising signs, like Pisces or Sagittarius can really give Mercury a boost. Whereas, with a sign like Capricorn rising, it will be squashed a bit. On the other hand, you can have Gemini rising without any planet contaminating it on the ascendant. This makes a difference because Mercury on the ascendant is never pure like Gemini rising can be. It is always combined with a rising sign. So even though Mercury on the ascendant is more powerful than Gemini rising, you always have to factor in the rising sign with it. |
June 2015