Photo used under Creative Commons from rockmixer Because your astrological moon represents your internal, self-nurturing, self-support system that is first experienced through your relationship with your mother, your moon actually describes your mother. There is a tangled web of emotion that develops between a mother and child throughout their lives. Your moon, by sign, position and aspect, not only describes this web but it actually describes your mother. To many, this sounds fatalistic. It sounds as though your moon can determine what kind of mother you have, which of course doesn't make sense. However, it is fate in its broadest sense. The moon you are born with does not determine your mother's treatment of you and her behavior toward you. However, it does determine your reaction toward her and your treatment of her. Your reaction toward her is powerful and actually works to shape the person your mother is in your eyes and the person your mother is in the unique personal, relationship between you and her. Every reaction you have toward her behavior colors her future behavior and treatment of you. If you react well to certain behaviors she exhibits, she is likely to continue those behaviors. If you react with frustration, anger or sadness, she is likely to modify the behavior she exhibited that drew your negative reaction. So that although she may believe she is molding your behavior as the mother in the relationship, you are actually molding each other's behavior, thus creating a tangled web. These reactions toward your mother's behaviors are largely determined by your moon sign. Because your moon represents your security needs, which are quite powerful especially in the formative childhood years, your moon colors your attitude toward your primary and immediate security provider, usually your mother. In these years of early childhood, your behavior is largely unconscious and controlled by your moon. It is powerful and lays the groundwork for your entire relationship with your mother before you even have a chance to consciously become aware of it. The Moon in Aries Person & Their Mother...Your relationship with your mother is never boring. She is strong, emotionally clear and direct. However, because of your intense moon in Aries desire to be a strong leader who charts your own course, your mother can also seem overbearing and willful. This is due to your constant need to push your own agenda forward, which naturally meets resistance from your mother who doesn't always agree with your plans. You see this resistance as willful and you believe it is only meant to sabotage your plans because you fail to realize that she only looking out for your safety and well being. So, you push her further. When she finally gets angry, you see her as antagonistic, selfish and belligerent. The more you push, the stronger she has to be to hold the line with you. As you get older, this cycle makes you see your mother as an assertive, strong willed woman who knows how to take care of herself. The Moon in Taurus Person & Their Mother...As a moon in Taurus person, you have high expectations of your mother's ability to provide for your practical, every-day needs. You expect her to be dependable and practical while making sure you have the necessities of life to remain comfortable. Life is meant to be savored and your mother is meant to provide the practical means for you to savor it. As you go through life, you ask her to provide you with a constant stream of things to make your life pleasurable and satisfying. If she is able to provide them easily, you see her as a sweet, reliable provider who is always there for you. If she isn't always to provide them, you see her as an overly practical person who is stubborn and too careful with money. However, because your nature is gentle and sensitive, yet persistent, you push her to her limit to make sure you can get what you want. Yet, you never push her hard enough to make her attitude toward you turn angry and sour. So, you generally see her as kind. The Moon in Gemini Person & Their Mother...Your light, detached, active and agile Gemini moon always keeps your mother on her feet. You are like a feather dancing in the wind and she can never quite catch you. She quickly realizes it is useless to try and gives you the freedom you always assume is normal in life. Her reaction to and acceptance of your need to run free makes you see your mother as light and detached, but she is only reacting to your behavior. You are never going to accept a slow, restricted life. So, if your mother allows you space, you see it as a bit flighty or disconnected at times. If she fights you on this, your quick mind will likely find plenty of sharp and unfortunately often painfully precise verbal rebuttals. Her reaction to these rebuttals will make you believe she has the sharp tongue not you. However you do look to her as a source of information and as a teacher. You always know you can learn from her, and your inquisitive Gemini moon delights in her as a person with whom you can exercise your mind or sharpen your mental claws. Because she can always engage you in games, conversation or any kind of mental gymnastics, you come to see her as intelligent, someone with a sharp mind, or at the very least, someone who is always there to chat. The Moon in Cancer Person & Their Mother...You see your mother as someone who goes through a lot of emotionally exhausting times in her life. It's not that she's weak, but she is someone who lands in situations that constantly try her emotional strength. Your need for her motherly nurturing gives you a deep emotional connection with her. It's your need for her emotional attention that makes you focus on her and gives you insight into her emotional ups and downs. You are focused on her, and because she can't give you attention you need when she is in pain, you almost feel the pain with her. Your need for her love gives you a desire to see your mother as sensitive and caring. Then when she isn't, your reaction can be quite powerful. Even the hint of rejection from her sends you into emotional turmoil. The pain of her rejection, which may only be temporary, beyond her control or for your own good, will make you reflect your bad feelings back onto her because they are too painful to claim as your own. It has to be her fault, otherwise you just can't cope. Then suddenly she becomes the mean person who is purposely hurting you, when you are likely just blinded by your own pain. Your feelings for her are strong and you need her in your life, caring for you. She is a pillar for you and you rely on her, but you it doesn't just work one way. You are also always there for her. The Moon in Leo Person & Their Mother...A big presence, whether for the better or worse, describes your mother. She is expressive and doesn't hold back her true feelings. You always know where you stand with her because she tells you what's on her mind immediately. Your up-front approach in dealing with her makes this possible for her. You don't mind calling her out on any lies she tells you and you have no problem telling her to mind her own business or stop treating you like a child. This stems from the high sense of pride you have in yourself. It fuels your need to keep a balance of power in your relationship. So, when pressed, you aren't afraid to raise your voice to your mother and tell her how you feel about whatever she is saying or how she is dealing with you. However, your sense of pride in yourself also makes you self-conscious and it gives you a haunting desire to assure yourself that your mother likes you. You must constantly balance your need to maintain power with your need to be accepted and liked. The Moon in Virgo Person & Their Mother...Somehow even as a young child you are acutely aware of the give and take dynamic in relationships. Your sense of how much your mother does for you and how well she cares for your needs is acute. So, it's difficult for her to measure up to your expectations and it often seem she isn't meeting your needs. At these times, she seems flighty. It can be frustrating for you because she isn't always available when you need her. It can seem like a certain need for freedom seems to lead her away from you, and you often feel like you are more of adult than her. At the same time, her need for freedom gives you freedom, which you need even if you don't always realize it. Unconsciously you prefer your relationship to be exactly how it is. Your Virgo moon is critical by nature, so it's nearly impossible for anyone to measure to your standards especially someone as important as your mother. In your youth, she is the center of your world and because your focus is centered on her, your critical nature can't help but analyze her every action. Despite your acute sense of her shortcomings, you accept them as being part of a her. The Moon in Libra Person & Their Mother...Your mother has standards for your relationship that are clearly defined and understood. She has certain expectations that she always assumes you will fulfill, and you usually do. However, without realizing it, it's actually you who worked to define these rules in order to assure you are always treated fairly, kindly and to assure that your mother will always be there for you. Your expectations and reactions to your mother have served to set up a protocol in your relationship that keeps things peaceful between you. Over time, you each have come to understand your roles. You both know what behavior keeps things fair between you, and therefore, keeps the peace. Although your relationship can, at times, seem a bit formal and structured, it gives you comfort know that as long as you both follow the rules, you will both be happy. You are always careful to tactfully maintain a certain element of control in the relationship so that you can keep your mother close to you, but still make your own decisions, and you mother unconsciously understands that you do this. The Moon in Scorpio Person & Their Mother...Your mother sparks more emotion in you than she realizes. You know she cares about you intensely, but she can be too close to you when you need space and too distant when you need her close. From being overly concerned with things that you want to disregard, to becoming enmeshed in your life when you need emotional privacy, it often seems that she is out of tune with your emotional rhythm. But your passionate, and at the same time private, nature creates this very dynamic that ends up driving you crazy. Although you need her close for emotional reassurance and support, you also have a tremendous need for emotional privacy. It's difficult for her to accurately gauge your varying needs for closeness and distance. In trying to figure you out, she may probe you for feedback, which usually makes you clam up in silence. Your resistance can be frustrating and can spark an angry response from her, which makes you see her as aggressive and controlling. However, it's most likely you who is trying to maintain control, and she is the one reacting to you. So, depending on your reactions to her, you see her as a powerful ally in your life who is willing to do anything to protect you when you are wiling to trust her with your deepest emotions. However, when you aren't willing to open up and trust her, you see her as manipulative and controlling. The Moon in Sagittarius Person & Their Mother...You are difficult to contain and control, so your mother may have a difficult task at hand in raising you. You require freedom. It's not an option. If your mother isn't willing to give it you, your struggle to get it can exhaust her because you're will not give up until you get it. As a universal sign, you have an "above it all" attitude that makes you feel as though you are very mature and wise, no matter your age. The whole childhood thing can make you restless because you experience the world through the eyes of one of the older astrological signs. For this reason, you see your mother as less mature than she should be. Your moon in Sagittarius vantage point makes you critical of her, and her faults are obvious to you. The fact that you see them, makes her merely human in your view and you can't understand why you should be subject to her commands or requirements when you are both just two humans. From your perspective, she has just as much to learn as you. She is fallible and often immature. In your view, her need for freedom is just as strong as yours. You both deserve to enjoy it, not just her. She comes off as hypocritical because she holds you to standards that she can't live up to in her own life. What's more, her inability to see this makes her seem naive to you and makes you feel even more like you should be in charge of your life. The Moon in Capricorn Person & Their Mother...Some way or another, your mother always leaves you feeling vaguely guilty. She may not come right out and say things to make you feel guilty, but they may be subtly woven into her comments. Or in many cases, she just seems to have a very difficult life, and your joys are dimmed in comparison to her hardships. In either case, she controls you with guilt because your Capricorn moon can't help but empathize with any suffering she encounters. You know your mother always has a serious core to her regardless of her outer attitude. She always puts work before play and she never stops planning for the future. She is security oriented and very aware of the how the worst can always happen. You have a driving desire to help her and you always believe she does everything in her power to provide the best for you. On some level, you always feel like she could just make some changes in her life to make things easier for herself but it never happens. She recognizes your ability to act maturely and she often relies on you for practical and emotional support. The Moon in Aquarius Person & Their Mother...Your emotional maturity and strength is fully developed from such a young age that your mother's ability to help you grow and support you is almost unnecessary, making your relationship with her a bit distant and detached. You just don't seem to need the coddling that many other people enjoy as children. If anything, you notice that your mother could actually use some. However, you see this intellectually, not emotionally. So, you aren't one to cry with her, hold her closely and have deep emotional conversations. Rather, you simply don't burden her with your problems. You give her space to live her life and time to deal with her issues. It's almost odd when she reprimands you or treats you like a child. There's always a part of you that sees the whole thing as very silly and unnecessary. You know when you have done something you shouldn't have, and her attempts to guide you are nice, but not really helpful. However, it doesn't take very long for her to catch on to your level of maturity and treat you more as equal from a rather young age. The Moon in Pisces Person & Their Mother...Its seems that your mother is forever surmounting difficulties. An emotional strength that isn't always obvious pulls her through her life. The sacrifices she makes for you and your family are made out of necessity and she doesn't ask for thanks. However, they do draw her away from you. From a young age, you accept this and you grow up very quickly because of it. With all that she deals with, you know it would be wrong to burden her with too many of your problems. You are strong enough to help yourself with most things and she respects you for it. Yet at times, you can't help but feel like you would like to be more of a helpless child. Even though you are emotionally tough, you sometimes feel like you would like to be able to just rely on her instead of being the strong child she expects you to be. So often she seems to be lost in her own world, which consequently leaves you lost in your own world. You're not always sure she realizes this and so at times it feels like you are bit lost.
June 2015