The hard-working, responsible Capricorn who is always looking out for their family has a powerfully rebellious nature. It may be that the stress of all of that responsibility becomes too much at times and they need to break free and rebel. Or, it may be that they are so responsible that they just can't stand to have anyone tell them what to do. They know exactly what needs to be done and how to do it. Capricorns don't need anyone telling them. It's probably a little of both. Capricorns have big egos and strong personalities. Combine this with the fact that they are extremely responsible and you get a person who is really likely to tell you to f**k off if you try to push them around. Yes, Capricorns curse often and can be crude with their expressions and stories. They speak from their gut and say what they mean. You won't get any sugar-coated messages delivered in a sweet voice from a Capricorn. You'll get direct commands. They are blunt, to the point and see things clearly. However, they do tend to put a negative spin on things which may be another source of their rebellion. They are harsh critics of themselves, you and life. With all of that critical, negativity brewing in their minds, even Capricorn wants to bust out and break free. Capricorn sees the world as a difficult place, so naturally they would like to escape it. They have this in common with Pisces' need to escape, but Capricorn does it with rebellion. Rather than slink away into oblivion like a Pisces, Capricorn will revel in making a big point about it. For Capricorn, it's the point. Don't tell them what to do!
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June 2015