Photo used under Creative Commons from Michelle Hebert | Art & Fashion Our natural guide to what's most interesting and satisfying in our life is found in our rising sign. As children, we naturally follow its lead, but as adults, we often lose faith in its wisdom. As children, we naturally guide ourselves to the things that interest us and keep our attention. There's no decision process or contemplation about whether activities are worthy of taking up our time. Then, as we grow older, we are influenced by what we should spend our time doing or what things we should work on because they hold the promise of a good income in the future. That wonderful, natural guide we followed as children was our rising sign. Our rising sign is the filter through which we see the world and represents our mode of interacting with and interpreting the world. On a second-to-second basis, it shows the things that get our attention and keep it! So, in this way, it shows what careers suit us and will make us happy and fulfilled. Aries Rising... A career that allows you to exhibit your fighting spirit and your ability to remain brave in the face of danger will keep you interested and satisfied. It can be a career fighting real battles, such as, a military career, a career as a firefighter, or as a police officer. A career in sports would be fulfilling to you as well. You can also fulfill your fighting spirit in careers that offer the ability to face danger and win, but aren't so obviously dangerous. Many financial careers, such as, stock market careers or real estate ventures offer a risk that requires bravery and the ability to win in the face of financial danger. At the very least, you need a way to feel strong along with a constant stream of opportunities to feel like a winner. Even if it's only a constant stream of problems to solve, you will at least have plenty of chances to fight and win. Taurus Rising... You prefer a slow pace to your day with a predictable routine. Peace of mind and comfort come before challenges or adventure even if it means making less money. It isn't that you are averse to the nature of challenges or adventures or that you don't like money. Rather, it is simply that your dominant desire is for peaceful comfort on a daily basis. You are perfectly willing to work hard and persist to achieve success, but your need for security and peace of mind inclines you to prefer a predictable income that doesn't involve the risk of loss. Working directly with tangible, rather than abstract, things satisfies you. You like to see real results. Anything that keeps you close to the earth is good for you. Working with food, or in construction are examples. With Taurus rising, you don't want to be rushed when working. You need time to absorb information and process it carefully because you don't like errors. A fast-paced job that focuses on quantity over quality will only frustrate and exhaust you. Your eye for quality and patient nature combine to make you well suited for any career that requires a dedicated, thorough person. Gemini Rising... You need constant change and input. You are a problem solver and love to solve puzzles. Any type of investigative work or research suits you. It thrills you to know solutions and answers, so you love to work with facts. You are able to take various pieces of information from here and there, even over long periods of time, and put them together to solve problems or find answers. This skill makes you an excellent detective or investigative reporter. Any career in news or communications is also an excellent choice for you. Gemini can't help but immediately report any news to anyone who will listen. You love to be the person who has the information that everyone wants to know. What's more, you know how to deliver the news in a factual, and yet still interesting, way. This also makes you a natural writer because writing is another vehicle for communicating information. Anything that allows you to connect, people, places and information interests you. Anything involving the internet is perfect because it allows you to connect people with information all over the world. Cancer Rising... A natural caretaker, you excel in any career that offers you a chance to care for another living being. You do well dealing directly with people. Person-to-person interactions are your forte. You have the patience and compassion to listen to people and the leadership ability to guide them. If you work in an office, you will excel at directing meetings with other office personnel or at working directly with customers. If you can give crucial care to people by working in any medical career in which you deal directly with people, you will feel great inner satisfaction. Not only do you get to show your concern for them, but you also get to heal them. Any type of therapy work satisfies you. You enjoy feeling needed and feeling like you are helping people. Even helping people, animals or the world at large through involvements with corporations that serve some basic needs keeps you happy and interested. Leo Rising... Any career that allows you to shine as an individual is satisfying for you. Of course, any kind of performing or modeling is perfect for you because the focus in these careers is directly on you as an individual. However, there are plenty of careers that allow you to shine in a less obvious manner because the key is simply for you to feel successful as an individual. If you work as part of a team in a corporation, for example, you will be happy as long as you can make a unique contribution that is recognized as yours. Working as an entrepreneur is extremely satisfying for you because you always know it was you who earned your success. Whenever you can use your creative abilities, you are happy. Combine this with your need to express yourself, and you find that you excel at public speaking, teaching or creating art. You are jovial and good with people, which means you work well with others and can also lead them. Therefore, any career in a management position is suitable for you. Virgo Rising... As a Virgo, you love to take something and make it better. Forever the critic, you do well in any career that gives you the opportunity to lend your opinion, advice and assistance. This generally puts you in a leadership position as a supervisor. Although you may drive your subordinates crazy with your attention to detail and your impatience for sloppiness, you are sure to do this job well. If you are not supervising, you do well working independently. This allows you to be as discerning as you need to be in order to satisfy your own sense of pride in your work without getting weighed down by other people. However, keep in mind that your need to take things and make them better does make you good at helping people. You just need to be patient with people, which you are capable of doing when you set your mind to it. Being a coach to someone who is trying to achieve a goal in any venture comes easily to you. Whether you are coaching a team, helping a person lose weight, guiding someone in building a business or even helping them in a creative work, you always give honest advice and tangible assistance. Libra Rising... You know how to be charming. It's crazy not to use this to your advantage in a career! So any career that involves direct contact with people is great for you. You can use your charm to sell products or to make negotiations of any type. In sales, you know that in order to sell any produce, you must first win over the customer's faith in you as the sales person. This is no problem for you. Social protocol, etiquette and sheer charisma are all natural for you and you know how to use your talents in these areas to woo customers. Therefore, in addition to sales, you will find success in politics or marketing. People want to follow your lead because you are likable. You can use your charming likability to spin a political campaign or run an advertising campaign. Also, because you know how to present yourself in a manner that people find attractive, public speaking or the performing arts are likely to bring you success. Scorpio Rising... You have the gift of focus. Scorpio's ability to concentrate attention on one thing at a time is surpassed by no other sign. Any career that requires deep attention and focus is perfect for the Scorpio rising person. Careers in research fields, where attention to solving one problem over a long period of time is required, suit you. Your ability to focus benefits you in any career that requires extreme dedication. You have the ability to stick to learning an instrument and succeed in music, or the ability to stick to long-term projects, such as, writing. Fields that require the patience to learn a wide array of details, such as, finance or law are suitable for you as well. Although you are good at reading people and figuring out their motives, you are not naturally charming and sociable. So, if your career involves people, you do well in investigative work or therapy work where the goal is not to win people over, but instead, to get answers from them to solve problems. Sagittarius Rising... Nothing makes you more fulfilled than to be the one who sees the world more clearly than everyone else. You are skilled at seeing a situation from every angle including a seemingly omnipresent view that gives you the widest perspective possible. Along with this gift of God-like insight also comes an irrepressible need to share your knowledge with everyone. This makes you an excellent critic, teacher or even comedian. Any career that allows you to share your unique view of the world keeps your interest and satisfies you. Your skills are also useful in debating. In business, politics or law, you can always successfully argue your case or get your point across clearly. Words are your tool and you are able to use them more skillfully than any other sign to explain yourself or any point you believe is necessary to get across. When you aren't communicating, you excel in any field that requires an expansive, all-encompassing view. Large-scale projects of any type are right up your alley because you can think big and see far.
Capricorn Rising.... You love to be in charge, you desire prestige and you want real, monetary success. Yes, you are serious about making money. Fortunately, you have an excellent work ethic that eventually lands you in the profitable, prestigious, leadership positions you crave. For you, it's not so much the particular field you are in that's important. Rather, it's your position in that field and the potential for profit that matter. Even in childhood, you know that only you are responsible for your success. Waiting for adulthood to start working and earning money is frustrating. You are confident, hardworking, practical and a natural leader. People sense this about you and naturally follow your lead. You think long-term and are willing to pay your dues in order to achieve future success. A natural understanding of life's difficulties gives you perseverance. You want real results from your work. A good income and tangible results are necessary for you to feel fulfilled. A job fancy title, although satisfying, is not enough. Aquarius Rising... An air of confidence surrounds you because you trust yourself and your judgement. In fact, you enjoy analyzing situations and making judgments of right and wrong. You are level and have great self-control. You strive to be as unbiased and impartial as possible, and for this reason, you make an excellent arbitrator. So, any career that involves conflict resolution is excellent for you. Your calm demeanor puts people at ease and your creative, yet also rational, reasoning abilities can find solutions to even the most difficult problems. Finding creative solutions to any problem is satisfying for you, and although you can work with people one-to-one, you especially enjoy solving societal problems. You believe that the world requires cooperation and that we all work together to achieve happiness. Any career that involves helping people on a large-scale is great for you. Working in a government agency, at a school, or any large private institution that serves the public provides stimulating work for you. Pisces Rising... This is the absolute best rising position for dealing with people. Whether it's one-to-one interactions or dealing with groups of people, you excel. You size up individuals or groups within seconds and know exactly how to work them to get answers to questions, win their approval, or sell them a product. This makes you a master at sales. You can sell anything because you know how to pander to the personality of the customer. There's an open, flexible nature to the way you relate to people that makes them open up to you and trust you. Public speaking is another avenue for sure success along with performing. You see the world holistically because you notice everything at once. Your rising filter is so thin and free from preconceived notions that you see things for what they really are. This, combined with your personable nature, makes you a natural at anything that requires you to read people, or the public in general, and then give them what they want so that you can make a profit. This can range from being a comedian to being a marketing or public relations expert.
Davinder Mann
2/9/2017 01:36:37 am
Excellent article written..
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June 2015